Friday Fictioneers – Embrace Change


Life is a series of challenges. From one stage of growth to another it’s about the direction we choose to go in.

They say opportunity knocks but in this day and age the door you open may take you in directions you never anticipated.

We live in a time of relative uncertainty.

Our children are being educated for jobs that do not yet exist and this can be a daunting proposition.

Even so we should embrace change, take the road less taken, choose the door to pass through and see what opportunities lie beyond it.

You only live once.

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69 Responses to Friday Fictioneers – Embrace Change

  1. and I choose blue – at least that one I can see through… ah yes only live once how that brings a *sigh*

  2. Dear Summer,

    Well said.



  3. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Summerstommy,

    An essay a day keeps contemplation away. Good job.



  4. Locomente says:

    So true…
    We live only once…
    A gripping write-up!

  5. so many choices each with a unique adventure
    very nicely conveyed

  6. YOLO. 🙂 Nice use of the doors as a metaphor. I’m very interested to see where everyone goes with this picture. I thought of several possibilities as I was thinking of what to write. I guess that’s the same sort of thing: in the end, even if you have several story ideas, you have to just pick one and go with it.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Thanks David, yes you are right, I did have another idea, one of my frivolous efforts but decided to try and use the metaphor idea.

  7. JKBradley says:

    I select door number three.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. misskzebra says:

    An interesting essay. Too often we “go with the flow” and find we end up nowhere interesting…

  9. Steve Lakey says:

    Interesting thoughts. But which door to choose?

  10. draliman says:

    Great message. I’ll have the blue door, please. I’m risk-averse and I can see through that one!

  11. Carrie says:

    So true 🙂 Great post!

  12. Summer, I like that you went non-fiction on this. These are all important points, and the doors were the perfect venue to express them. Nice job.

  13. So true. The world advances so fast and our children are adapting so the can keep up. I enjoyed your post.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Hello Maryann, thank you for your comment, yes our children have grown very quickly and one wonders where we will be in five years let alone ten, but they must seize the opportunities that come their way. Please call again.

  14. RoSy says:

    I really like this!

  15. Adam Ickes says:

    The problem with choices is the ones you end up not choosing in favor of the one you did choose. You’ll never know where those other choices my have taken you. That being said, I’ll take door number one and live spent the rest of my life wondering what was behind the other two.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Thanks Adam, that’s the issue with choices, making one and despite the thought of there being something better behind the other two you move forward, make the best of what you have, not what might have been, otherwise you go crazy.

  16. zookyworld says:

    Indeed, a series of challenges. The red door looks promising, let’s see what’s behind it…

  17. EagleAye says:

    Love it. This is very inspirational.

  18. Linda Vernon says:

    Oh this is so true! I remember my third grade teacher telling us most of us would be working in jobs that hadn’t even been invented yet. I never forgot that. Even though most of those jobs have now been replaced by technology. But advancements are snowballing and it boggles my mind to think how much life will change in the next ten years!

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Hi Linda, thanks for the comment, I shall be sensible today, yes I agree we have little idea of what the world will be like in five years let alone twenty.

  19. kz says:

    very true. great reflection.

  20. annisik51 says:

    ‘The Door Not Taken’. Thought-provoking. A good take on Frost’s ‘The Road Not Taken’ (one of my favourite poems and poets). One ‘provoked thought’: we always choose, but of course, we sometimes choose to pass through doors we’d rather not. Sometimes, we choose to sacrifice our personal preferences (for doors) out of love. I would argue with you about the ‘only one life’ door, though. Thank you. Ann

    P.S. An aside: I used to go to a school called ‘Morpeth Road’.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Thanks Ann, that’s an excellent comment. I would accept that their is more than one door and if you choose for whatever reason to go through that door then fine, but I do agree with about the ‘only one life’. Yes our lives change for a variety of reasons, but the one life I refer to is that life we have which suffers or delights from the revelations we find behind, maybe a number of doors we open in life. As you know not everything works out for us, as I well know, but as one door closes you can argue another opens. Life is about choices and decisions that take us in those directions from which learn about ourselves and others.
      Morpeth Road is the road I live on, Morpeth itself is a little town at ht eend of the road that nowadays is a tourist place, lots of nic nac shops, eateries galleries, very busy on weekends.

      • annisik51 says:

        | don’t disagree with much of what you say. It’s not quite the same, but there have been times – I’m talking about the ‘one door shuts but another opens’ thing – when someone has said to me that ‘God doesn’t close one door without opening another’ – and I could have punched him/her in the face!

        Morpeth Road School still exists and it’s on Morpeth Road (strange as this may seem!). Morpeth in Northumberland is a small market town. A river runs through it. It’s in a lovely area.

      • summerstommy2 says:

        Yes I do agree with the point you make about god and doors. I like the ‘punch him/her in the face’….know what you mean there too. I think our Morpeth in Australia, is probably named after that same Morpeth.

      • annisik51 says:

        Quite likely. There is a Newcastle too (which is near Morpeth). I went to uni there. Eventually!

      • summerstommy2 says:

        Yes near where I live.

      • annisik51 says:

        Interesting! Morpeth and Newcastle Australia must certainly be connected with their UK namesakes.

      • summerstommy2 says:

        Yes, the Northumberland exists around here as well..the early settlers were probably from that way

      • annisik51 says:

        Are we occupying parallel dimensions, I’m beginning to wonder? Off to bed now. Falling asleep at my keyboard! Goodnight! P S had a visit from friend living in Melbourne. Hadn’t seen him for 27 years. We had Australian wine for dinner called Ridgey-Didge. He laughed and explained what it meant ‘in Australian’. 🙂 Ann, who is just Ridgey-Didge tonight!

      • summerstommy2 says:

        Good night Ann, you can’t get better than ridgey dige, fair dinkum mate!

  21. It’s sometimes scary when you can’t see beyond the door. Is there horror beyond the door? Or, something that will bring you happiness? You take a chance. Even though you choose the door, you really don’t know what’s behind it, so don’t know what is it you’ve chosen. I like your take on this a lot.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Thanks Amy, my post has evoked a lot of responses and that is good to see. Chances and risks go hand in hand.Life is full of them, for many of us we play it safe which sometimes means opportunity can slip by us. So yes you don’t know what is behind the doors you enter, it can be a horror story, or it can be a delight, but you’ll never know if you don’t give it a go.

  22. A you went metaphorical too.. yes a great invitation.. Love the reference to Robert Frost.

  23. JackieP says:

    Nice. I sometimes wish we had ‘do overs’. Going through a door that we all ready have gone through just to do it over again and maybe getting it right. Maybe I would pick the red one.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Hi Jackie, thanks for the comment, yes I think we would all do it again differently to the first time. The RED one???NO….it’s dangerous!!!….lol

  24. Jacey Faye says:

    Good message, and very neatly worded. Thank you for sharing!

  25. Penny L Howe says:

    Well I’m definitely taking the blue pill (movie Matrix – one of my favorites)! excellent message, greatly appreciate this one! 🙂

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.