Thousands Are Sailing

OK Friday Fictioneers. I know that by the mere fact that I’m “mashing” these two prompts together, I’m foregoing any publishing possibilities. But still I felt strongly enough that you should all know of Red’s “Flash In The Pan” series, as I see this as a worthwhile endeavor, deserving of your unbridled talent. That being said, here’s my response to both Flash In The Pan‘s “Regress” prompt, as well as this week’s Fictioneer photo:

Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields

Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields


He couldn’t quite explain it, but disdain was exactly what his mouth tasted at that very moment.

The dull roar of clamoring footsteps, in slow regress through the main hall, made him simply want to scream while listening inattentively to the thick accent standing before him. It muttered under muddy breath, “Von Stoffen.”



What in the hell sort of name was that? Stupid krauts. Every last one ‘em would be looking for a handout. He knew it.

Scribbling hurriedly on the form, he barked dismissively, “Well now you’re ‘Stover.’ NEXT!”

Disdain. Yep, he could taste it.


Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

PS: My thanks to you both, Red and Rochelle, as any excuse to use The Pogues for my song of the day, is a worthy excuse indeed ;)

15 thoughts on “Thousands Are Sailing

    • Thank you so much! This post started as a ghost some 15 years ago when I visited Eliis, so I was glad to finally be able to bring it to life, and I’m thrilled that you enjoyed it =)

  1. Dear Troy,

    You captured the attitude of concessionaires at Ellis Island who would cheat “green horns” out of their life savings. Sad truth. Good one. I’ll have to check out Red’s challenge, although there’s no way I can do another one. ;) I came into Friday Fictioneers as “one of the gang” and you see where that led.



    • Thanks kz – I do love it when I feel a strong connection with my characters – and in the case of folks similar to this gentleman, I then get all nervous about just how much of him is in me!

    • Thanks Bjorn – it’s pretty odd, isn’t it, how we all came hoping for a new life, but were then a little-to greatly disappointed to find what it would sometimes entail.

That's my two cents. Now, tell me what you think...