
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the magic of Professor McGonagall brought the statues of Hogwarts to life to help fight against dark magic.  In the comedy, Ghostbusters, the gargoyles high atop a Manhattan building also came to life.  They were evil but it added to the action.  If the Statue of Liberty, so tall and majestic in New York’s harbor came to life on September 11, 2001, what would she have done?  Those other stories are fiction and 9/11 was real but I like to think that Lady Liberty would have cried for Manhattan.



********** Update **********

I’ve had a few suggestions that I agree with and it was the 100 word limit that prevented such endings in the first place.  I am going to write a new ending here.  Sorry about the 100 word limit.

Those other stories are fiction and 9/11 was real but I like to think that Lady Liberty would have cried for Manhattan.  She then would dry her tears and reach up with her arm (the on without the torch) and pluck the airplane out of the sky.  Before setting the plane gently on the ground, she would have the terrorist say hello to her torch.

Submitted for Friday Fictioneers.  Give it a try.









13 responses

  1. EagleAye says:

    I think she would’ve swatted the planes out of the sky and then shouted at us to wake up! Not to panic, and remember your neighbors are all fellow Americans. But still, wake up and not believe we are invulnerable.


  2. tedstrutz says:

    Yes, she would have.


  3. Dear Maryann,

    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers with this heartfelt speculation. I like E.A.’s idea of Miss Liberty swatting the planes out of the sky.




  4. Great idea, Maryann. I envision her with a baseball bat, knocking the plane far, far away although now that I stop to think about it, I’d rather see her picking them out of the sky King Kong-like, plucking the terrorists out and swatting them, then setting the planes gently down.



  5. I’m sure she would have cried for Manhattan.


  6. Jim Kane says:

    Well said. Well said.


  7. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Maryann,

    If wishes were horses, then dreamers would ride. Good story/evocation of an imaginary/fantastical moment.




  8. Yes, tears and retribution.
