Friday Fictioneers #29: the mystery of the Marie Celeste.


How’s this work?

You stand at ten paces. You get one shot, you have to destroy one of the pieces without damaging the others. You do that, you get to choose one of the surviving pieces. Inside one of them is an address and a keycode for a deposit box, where you’ll find the answers to three questions: what really happened on 911, what happened to the Marie Celeste, why was Family Affairs cancelled.

Jenkins walked the ten paces. He took aim. He knew what had happened on 911, but the mystery of the Marie Celeste had always intrigued him.

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly photo-prompt flash fiction challenge, curated by the wonderful Rochelle Wishoff-Fields, and open to anybody. Full details here.

12 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers #29: the mystery of the Marie Celeste.

  1. Dear Ted,

    Take careful aim, please. I’d hate to see all my precious artifacts blown to bits. Truly clever take on the prompt. BTW I believe that’s Family Affair, no s. One of my favorite shows. My take on that was that Buffy and Jody were outgrowing cuteness. 😉



  2. Hi Rochelle, thanks as always (Tiffany too) – Family Affairs was a British sitcom that ran on the truly awful Channel 5 (where Big Brother ended up). A kitsch favourite. I will check out your version on youtube though.

  3. Imaginative take on the prompt. There has been a documentary on British TV recently about what happened to the Marie Celeste. It’s still supposition, but more plausible than that those onboard were abducted by aliens, etc. I prefer the abduction, etc stories!

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