Estate Sales and Dishes and Coats, Oh My!


The weekend seems to have flown by. We started out Saturday morning at an estate sale about an hour and a half away from our home, to the south. The house was very small with tiny rooms, and there was no air. There was not much to see, so the lack of air did not matter too much. The few good things there were priced way too high. I had seen these aqua dishes in the online photos, but they were marked too much for me, which I expected.


After I looked at some other things that I thought I might want, I asked the lady there if she was making any deals yet. I showed her the aqua dishes and some vintage glassware. She bundled it for me; the price wasn’t great, but low enough that I took it. I was happy to have gotten 14 Homer Laughlin pieces. The pattern is Gold Crown and distributed by Lifetime China. Do remember my Cunningham and Pickett Danube by Homer Laughlin? Yes, they will go perfectly with it. So for now, I am keeping these and will only sell the extra sugar bowl (no lid-not pictured) and the cup and saucer. [Can’t wait for JBiggs to see these pieces…she will salivate, I’m sure.]

The cookware was pretty heavy-duty and probably looked something like this when it was new.

The lady of the home had obviously loved aqua, a popular home decor color in the forties and fifties. She had some aqua cookware that was a pretty good quality, as far as I could tell. I really couldn’t tell much because it was so nasty, and I wanted to touch it as little as possible. The prices on it were waaaaay too high. I asked my husband to look at it and tell me if we could get it cleaned up and bring it back to life. If so, I planned to offer her a price for it. He said that it didn’t seem like we could, especially since some of the aqua color was missing on it. I deferred to his judgment and passed it up; really glad that I did!


I did get this vintage glassware bundled with the HL dishes. These 5 glasses all have images of autumn leaves on them. Two of them have a sort of frosted look and are slightly taller than the other 3 which have single images on a white background.


These 3 glasses have smaller gold and white leaves on them and are the same size as the 3 glasses with the large leaf images in the above photo. I think that these 8 glasses will mix and match well and be perfect for fall tablescapes! Of course, only a tablescaper will think that way, so who knows if they will sell??? I priced them per glass with a discount for buying all 8, so we will see….


The other vintage glassware that I purchased was….aqua. I know, big surprise, right? I think that this woman must have loved setting her table with aqua, and who could blame her? I bet it was really pretty back in the day.


These pieces are my favorite. I love the vintage tea pitcher with the aqua and white swirls. There were only 2 glasses that matched it, but there was one iced tea and one juice. I was thrilled to get them. Are you thinking that I probably won’t sell the aqua glassware? You would be right about that, for now, anyway. I’m sure that I will sell it eventually, but for now it’s staying with me.


Everything in the kitchen was nasty. I had brought some boxes and newspaper with me, so the lady and I loaded them up and I hated touching everything. Luckily, I remembered to get the Wet Ones out of the car before we left, so I was able to clean my hands after we got finished loading. Did I mention that we went over in the truck? No air, in the nineties, bright sun,….yep, not pleasant at all.

When we returned home, we had to go up to our flea market to pick up a china cabinet. Yes, you read that right, a china cabinet. I went a little crazy last week and purchased a china cabinet. Because I am a vendor, they held it for me until David could get up there with the truck. I love it, and it matches my dining room furniture really well. It is in pretty good condition with the original finish. It needs a little repair which David can do at his leisure. It is perfectly usable and can wait until he has time to get to it.


Where to put it? I recently gave you a tour of my dining room, so you know that I have no room to put another piece of furniture anywhere.


However, I do have room in the living room. We actually purchased this pump organ almost 15 years ago as our first “investment” piece of furniture. Due to the economy and the fact that we did not have a place to put it for sale, we have just left it in the living room and never done anything with it. When we rented the booth last year, we put the pump organ on our list of things to get repaired and up for sale. We decided to move the pump organ out and put the china cabinet in its place.


I actually don’t want to leave the china cabinet there for long. I want to put the primitive jelly cabinet on the wall where the pump organ was and move the china cabinet to that wall. However, David does not want to move the pump organ to the garage to work on it because the dampness and temperature changes will not be good for it. We moved it into our entryway, and he is working on it there.


The china cabinet is not as bulky as the primitive piece, so it is the one that needs to stay at the entrance the entryway. It will be easier to navigate around while going in and out of the entryway, and I can deal with that for now. It will drive me a little crazy to have this upheaval, but David has promised to suspend everything else until he gets the pump organ ready. A bonus is that he will be working in the air conditioning, so that will help spur him to work on it.

We were hot and tired and hungry after getting the china cabinet unloaded and the pump organ moved. I made some pasta with onions, peppers, and Italian sausage, and we ate and rested. Then we decided to go to a sale about an hour away from us to the east. We have gotten to know this guy who buys storage lockers and other types of deals and sells out of his driveway and carport every weekend. We have always managed to find at least one thing when we have stopped there. We decided to take the car and go over in the air conditioning. We weren’t expecting to buy anything bulky, and we didn’t. It was a good risk to take–so much better with air!


He actually had some absolutely beautiful milk glass and crystal this week. His prices were great, but neither of those things have been selling well for me. I did break down and buy this vintage vase. I just love it, and it is in perfect condition. I need to do a little research on it before I put it up for sale. I think this may be a pattern called Diamond Point. Does anyone know? Please leave me a comment if you do!

I also purchased several pieces of Pyrex, Anchor Hocking, Corning Ware, and “Far” King. Yes, that’s “Fire” King if you’re not a redneck. For the record, I am a redneck and still didn’t understand what he said at first. I don’t always photograph my Pyrex, et. al., but I like to buy it when I can get it cheaply. I just get a pic off google images like I did today if I don’t want to take the time to photograph it.


Here is the other thing that I purchased from him. I hear what you’re thinking: “Is she wearing a full-length fur coat on Labor Day when it’s over 90 degrees outside?”  Yes, she is! This coat was laying there, and when he told me the price, I said “Sold!” before I had even finished looking it over. My preliminary research shows that it is faux fur (I think mink) from the 1980’s. It is in perfect condition, and the brand is Style VI Ltd. Once again, I ask my readers, do any of you know anything? Leave me a comment if you do. I have no idea what to ask for this piece.

While we were at the flea market getting the china cabinet, we talked to a friend of ours who had gone over to the estate sale that morning which we were planning to attend on Sunday. He and David are a lot alike when it comes to antique furniture. They both like to buy old, beat-up stuff that no one else can see any hope for and restore it to life. Almost all of the pictures on the internet showed lots and lots of what had once been good-quality antique furniture but had been stored unprotected for years and years. Everything was broken; veneer was peeling off; I could go on and on. Our friend said that they wanted the full price for everything and were also treating the customers pretty rudely. He didn’t stay long.

David and I talked about it when we got home and decided that we would go ahead and go over like we had planned. Sunday was the last day of the sale, and supposedly that would be the most likely deal day. We altered our plans only slightly and decided not to take the truck. Since it seemed unlikely that we would be able to purchase a truck load of furniture like we were hoping, we thought that we would rather stay cool. We can fit some things in the Equinox, so we left Sunday morning traveling about 45 minutes to the southeast.

I won’t go into all the details of how we were spoken to; I’ll just say that our friend was right! David did purchase a small washstand and a stool for a vanity. Both need a lot of work and repair. He got them down a little bit, not as much as he would have liked. But he still thinks that he can make a profit, so he did it. I was hot, dirty, and fed up. I didn’t want to give those rude folks one penny of our money. But I know he was right to be objective and just to look at it as a business deal.

On our way home, we go right by my partner’s house, so I wanted to show her what David purchased and tell her about the other things. I was glad that we stopped, because I got to see her daughter and granddaughter. Her mother was there also, and I told her about the fur. Everyone got a big laugh out of it, and her mother said, “Well, you shouldn’t sell it; just put it away for that hard winter we’re going to have.” We all just died laughing, and the day ended on a good note.


As a postscript, thanks to everyone for your information on my new dishes. The two names that I got were Jade Moon and Blue Crackle. I have looked on Amazon, Replacements, Target, and Google; and I believe that Jade Moon is the correct name. I have decided that I will sell this set, just not soon. I have several other sets that I want to sell, and I will put those up first and use this one until I get rid of the others.  I hope that my wonderful readers are just as knowledgable when it comes to the crystal pattern and the fur coat above. Also remember, that if you see anything on this blog that you would like to purchase, just email me. Have a great week!

I am joining: A Stroll Thru Life for Tabletop Tuesday, Home and Garden Thursday at A Delightsome Life , Vintage Thingie Thursday at Colorado Lady,   From the Farm at Sunny Simple Life, Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday, Metamorphosis Monday, Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage ,  Cozy Little House for Tweak it Tuesday,  Under the Table and Dreaming for Sunday Showcase ,  The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home, Cuisine Kathleen for Let’s Dish, Treasure Hunt Thursday at From My Front Porch to Yours,  Make the Scene Monday at Alderberry Hill , Cottage Style at Lavender Garden, Homemaking Paty at Hope in Every Season,   The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday, The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday, What’s It Wednesday at Ivy and Elephants; Weekend Bloggy Reading at Serenity Now, Meet Me Monday at You Are Talking Too Much,  Spotlight Saturday at Classy Clutter, Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage, Efforts and Assets at Hickory Trail, Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound, You’re Gonna Love It Tuesdays at Kathe with an E, Mop it Up Monday at I Should Be Mopping the Floor , Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style ,  Make it Pretty Monday, Anything Blue Friday at The Dedicated House,Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style,  Create It Thursday at Lamberts Lately,   Flaunt it Friday at Chic on a Shoestring,  Tuesday’s Treasures at Uncommon Suburbia,  Return to Loveliness at A Delightsome Life, Centerpiece Wednesday at The Style Sisters,Open House Party at No Minimalist Here Time Travel Thursday at The Brambleberry Cottage , Tips and Tidbits at The Stone Gable, Thursday Favorite Things at Katherine’s Corner , Sizzle into Summer at DIY by Design 

About Bev

I am a retired teacher who has only recently taken up tablescaping and blogging. For more information, see my About Bev link.
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16 Responses to Estate Sales and Dishes and Coats, Oh My!

  1. Pat says:

    I have a few of those pieces from Homer Laughlin, too, dear one. . .
    they are NOT easy to come by and are usually highly priced!!!
    The two silver glasses in the front of your photo are Libby’s stemware
    from the latter 60’s. I had a set of 6 water glases, wine glasses and juice glasses
    as a Wedding Gift in 1969. The water glasses came with a silver wire divided
    Thanks for sharing your “treasures”!!!
    Visiting from Susan’s!!!

    • Bev says:

      I had wondered if these were Libbey. Thanks for telling me! I passed up purchasing a set of red and gold glasses in the type of holder that you describe a few months ago from the same “driveway” guy and have regretted it.

  2. Vicky Hunt says:

    Those aqua pieces are beautiful! That is my favorite color right now…:) Glad you found out the name of your dishes. Jade Moon fits perfectly. I love your truck….is it aqua blue? Too cool! Have a fabulous week…:)

    Blessings, Vicky

  3. Wow, you hit the jackpot, love it all. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  4. Candy S says:

    Loving the HL. You are right about it going perfectly with the Cunningham & Picket Danube. I can see a tablescape in your future. Aqua is my favorite color for the summer, especially when combined with yellow or white. Looks like you scored rather handily with the estate sale. Congratulations!

  5. What amazing finds! Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  6. Oh my, you sure got some beautiful things. I love the aqua dishes and I just knew it was you before my computer could link to your site. Yes, they will work beautifully with your other set. That covered dish is great.
    Not sure if it was you it told but my first kitchen in 1961 was turquoise/aqua. The wall oven, surface unit and sink. We wouldn’t find a turquoise fridge. I thought I was June Cleaver for sure!

  7. Denise says:

    The pitcher and two glasses are great.
    I would have to bring them home if I found something like them.

  8. dawnjunkin says:

    I really love all your turquoise finds. The dishes and those glasses with the pitcher – I’d keep them too, I don’t blame you! I love y’all’s truck! Take care – Dawn @ We Call It

  9. Love the aqua pitcher and glasses.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  10. Barbara says:

    May be interested in the faux fur; have a friend who would LOVE it! Please let me know how much you’re asking for it and its size. Thanks, Barbara, Zimmermail@

  11. Wow, you got a lot of awesome treasures! I love that aqua pitcher and glasses! All great finds. thanks for sharing at TTF.

  12. Kathy says:

    Wow, sounds like you had quite a time at these sales – sorry you had such a not so nice experience but glad you came away with some wonderful things – I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

  13. Kathy says:

    Hello Bev, I wanted to share that your post will be featured in this week’s Home and Garden Thursday,

  14. Christine says:

    Looks like a fun shopping trip, Bev, or should I say, trips. I love the aqua pieces too. I have similar eggshell Homer Laughlin pieces, just in a different pattern. You look cute in the fur coat….Christine

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