Flash Friday Fiction


Photo courtesy of Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

This week is a twofer.  I had an idea for a poem come to mind first, then the dialogue followed.  This shadow box reminded me of one my mother had.  I saw it as a dust collector, but after she died, I really wanted to ask her about why she’d collected each little thing.  What seemed trivial while she lived was suddenly a mystery once she was gone.  Ephemera, flotsam and jetsam, the trail left by our lives is easily erased.

Happy birthday to Rochelle – and thank you for your willingness to make this happen each week.  Friday is also my daughter’s birthday.  Happy #22 to you, dear Laurel!

Word Count: 93

Shadow Boxing


We are young but for a moment

childhood flashing by on hummingbird wings.

Treasures lined up in our mind,

safely stored in shadowy spaces.

Memories rich with meaning –

tucked away, glowing steadily,

beacons against the gathering dusk of our days.


                 – Mommy, why do you have a clown in your treasure box?

                 – Well, it reminds me of a fun day I had when I was about your age.

                 – Do you like clowns?

                 – I did then, Honey.  Clowns always made me laugh.

                – Like daddy does now?

                – Exactly – just like that.

               – That’s what I thought.

Please check out the links to all the other Flash Friday Fictioneers, which can be found here.

© Erin Leary

21 thoughts on “Flash Friday Fiction

  1. Dear Erin,

    Both pieces are treasures. If you hadn’t told me there were two I’d have thought it was two chapters of the same story. Poignant and heartfelt. Well crafted and an enjoyable read.



    • Thank you for the lovely feedback. It does feel like they are related, but when I was writing it seemed like two separate thoughts. I was trying not to squander any of my 100 allocation….

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