The Small Things – Friday Fictioneers

Here is this week’s entry into the weekly challenge brought to us by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Here are the rules: Use the photo as inspiration, write a hundred(ish) words – and share! Here goes my offering for this week – and I welcome your comments again!

– The Small Things –

“They are important to you?”

He was very young, barely a man.

I surmised that he had no recollection of what had gone before; few of us remained these days.

I scratched my neck, meditatively at first, then realised that I was worrying at another flea-bite. The damned things had returned.

“Well, yes. They remind me of a special person in my life.”

Fear ghosted his face, a fleeting spectre marring his innocence.

“One item reminds you of one person? You have lost that many?”

I nodded, silent.

His mask of youth slipped.

He knew. Somehow, he knew.


Click on the blue froggy below to read others’ offerings!

40 thoughts on “The Small Things – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Dear Freya,

    Your story hit home in a number of ways. I have not lost in that fashion, yet I feel what she does and what he did, such was the power of your words. A very moving effort this week.



  2. The mystery of loss. Some things are better left unsaid, and you’ve certainly left a lot to be wondered about here.

  3. Thanks…for your visit. I do try to write each piece to stand on it’s own. Though that doesn’t always happen.

    Ghosts and masks…and mirrors. That’s what most memories are. I quite agree we wear as many masks as hats. And sometimes that weight…slips and and sometimes defies gravity.

  4. Very strong. The line, ‘One item reminds you of one person? You have lost that many?’ is so telling. I don’t think we need to know the details of what’s happened. That’s enough. Well told.

  5. Very moving and well written Freya. I like the use of the mask slipping, we all wear them from time to time don’t we?
    Well done

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