Friday Fictioneers: On Day Down at the Cannery

Welcome Dear Readers!  Well it’s Wednesday again.  Unless I somehow went into a parallel universe just as I was making my bed this morning.  In which case, I’d like to give a shout out to the “you” in the parallel universe and wish  “you” a lovely HorsD’oeuvresday.

But whatever universe you’re in, it’s still time for Friday Fictioneers — which means it’s time to write a 100-word story about the picture below — furnished by our lovely Friday Fictioneer hostess Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at her blog,  Addicted to Purple.

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


One Day Down at the Cannery

The day Irene got a microscope was the day Irene began to loath large and began, instead, to fall hopelessly in love with little.

Nothing escaped Irene’s microscope slide –wood shavings (she loved to whittle), vitamins (she was fit as a fiddle) and even Jello (she was hooked on its wiggle).

Irene often pretended her Cheerios were donuts, and that she was eating them with The Incredible Shrinking Man.

Then one day down at her job at the cannery, she saw him!  Mr. Jolligreen Gyant!  And just like that, Irene began to loath little and began, instead, to fall hopelessly in love with large.

* * *

Until next time . . . I love you

69 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: On Day Down at the Cannery

  1. I can see as a kindergarten teacher, surrounded by children, each with a bowl of jelly hanging off every word.Well done Linda.

  2. This time around, you’ve added rhymes to humour!
    “she loved to whittle,
    she was fit as a fiddle
    and she was hooked on its wiggle”.
    Making so much sense with just 100 words!
    Welldone! 🙂

    • LOL! Me too! And I noticed at my last Dr. appoint I shrunk by a half inch. At this rate, I calculate I’ll be 2 foot 3 inches by the time I’m 75. (I better stock up on tiny donuts!)

    • Yes I did repeat it on purpose, but I think I may need to cut down on that technique a bit. Sometimes I tend to overdo it! While I find writing everyday the best way to grow as a writer, it does sometimes make for bad habits! 😀

  3. I love the bit about the cheerios as tiny donuts, darling. This made me smile with every sentence. Thank you so much!

  4. Loved it – I love tiny things.
    Great flash write – loved this wordplay
    Nothing escaped Irene’s microscope slide –wood shavings (she loved to whittle), vitamins (she was fit as a fiddle) and even Jello (she was hooked on its wiggle).

    And then the hint that a change may come with the cheerios.
    A fascinating, imaginative flash.

  5. I just loved this!
    It reminded me a little of the scene in Alice in Wonderland where Alice wants to change size but doesn’t know which piece of the mushroom to eat.
    Well done, and as usual, you made me smile 🙂

  6. Oh, this was marvelous. I loved your first line, loved your middle lines, loved your closing. Really, just a delightful tale! I think this may be the most succinct story I have read – telling it all in 100 words with a strong sense of character and voice and a perfectly satisfying conclusion. GREAT JOB, Linda!

    • Oh thank you so much for your lovely comment! It’s the first one I’ve read today and boy, what a great way to start the day! 😀 And I’m so glad you enjoyed the it, Waiting! 😀

Please leave a comment. I need help finishing my sentences.