Museum Pieces

Our thanks to Rochelle Wisoff for hosting another Friday Fictioneers 100 word (or thereabouts, there’s no sense getting compulsive about it!) Challenge. This week’s challenge is prompted by the photo below:

Bumbastories has been out of action for the past week or so. Readers will be reassured that the weekly As I Sat On The Bus Invitational will be back and running on (Sunday) schedule. Meanwhile, check out the other entries at the Friday Fictioneers link

There are always a lot of good entries. Bumbas’ entry this week is a lode of….

Rhodonites and Malachites

Calcites and Opals

Fluorites, Meteorites

Aragonites and Beryls

Diamonds, Rubies

Amethysts and Quartz

Emeralds and Topazes

And Gold of course

All the stones lay silently in their quiet display cases

Remembering the raging infernos that birthed them

Recalling the volcanoes that spewed them forth

From the bowels of the earth

The precious stones lay shining, dreaming

So far from their homes

In their quiet glass cases

Check ’em out at the Museum

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

12 thoughts on “Museum Pieces”

  1. Love this, Stephen. I like the way you always make me look at things with fresh eyes. AND you make me laugh, the sort of deep down laugh in the roots of one’s being. I’ve been wondering where you were, but been having problems with some conflict between my email provider and wordpress which makes it difficult to keep track of subscriptions. Glad to have you back on Sunday.

    1. Thank you very much. I was away for a week, and I’m always out in left field even when I’m here. Thank you again for your very kind comments.

  2. Beautiful angle, Stephen.
    I hadn’t thought of that but one could compare them with the animals in a zoo…
    I can just imagine a new ngo being founded as we speak, organizing rallies outside the Museum: FREE THE STONES!

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