Submit a story or poem, inspired by a weekly photo in this fun, flash fiction group. You can read submissions or add your work HERE.  Comments welcome, as long as they are respectful and helpful, not hateful.

i used this pix to show that emotion doesn’t change. War and reunions are as old as time.

Historic Fiction

Words: A bit over 99

Rating: PG


 Copyright – Dawn M. Miller

She ran, her bustle slapping her ankles.

“When is the troop train due?” She yelled over the counter.

“What?” The elderly attendant yelled.

“The troop train!”

“That’s it now!” he shouted.

Rushing to the platform, she studied the car doors, taking in every face. Wives hugged husbands and mothers clung to sons. She had no idea if he was on this train, but hope ran high.

When he emerged, pale and weak, she cried. Would he be the same?

  1. Sandra says:

    A hopeful reunion story – nicely done.

  2. Carrie says:

    Always love a happy ending!

  3. claudia says:

    Nice war story…the pathos of starting again. Does a bustle go to the ankles?

  4. They will have to get to know each other all over again.

  5. zookyworld says:

    I liked that this couple was reunited… and now there will be rebuilding. You ended it so well with the question and us readers have to fill in the rest.

  6. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    This was sweet and hopeful, darling. You cracked my cynical exterior!

  7. Hi ST,
    Some things seem to be timeless, and the glut of scenes of soldiers coming home from Afghanistan are eerily similar to your story. Great take on the photo. Ron

  8. Jan Brown says:

    You’ve captured her mood and her emotions very well. I was relieved that he was on the train, albeit not looking well. You got me to care.

  9. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Miss T,

    This was endearig and sad and hopeful and heartbreaking all rolled into one tight little ball. Good job. The last question leaves us each shaking our heads, knowing that he is likely not to be the same. She will have to learn to love him all over again. The sorrow of war.


  10. Dear Jane,

    A lovely story. Although you’ve listed the genre as Historical fiction, it’s timeless. How many soldiers have come back from countless wars forever traumatized and damaged. Well done story in a bit over 99 words. 😉



  11. A great story… and such hope.. wonder how changed he is.

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