Friday Fictioneers – Precious Bits


Augustus Schafer ran the Central Precious Bits outlet.

His days he knew were coming to an end.

His doctor had warned him.

He had become wayward in recent days. Precious bits were found left on the counter while he went to the toilet.

His son, Augustine, made a move to shut his father down.

It was only a matter of time before Augustus discredited the entire family.

It came to a head when Augustus was found in front of his stall, his precious Royal Doulton at his feet, customers ducking and weaving as he frisbeed the plates across the mall.


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39 Responses to Friday Fictioneers – Precious Bits

  1. Oh Nooo not the Royal Doulton??! Poor Augustine off you trot … 🙂

  2. Sandra says:

    Going out in style. Don’t you just love a dramatic exit… Nicely done.

  3. Ye Pirate says:

    He’s surely right, in his own way!

  4. claudia says:

    Oh, a sad ending for that china!

  5. Gabriella says:

    Lovely ending! I wonder where Augustus is now!

  6. If you’re being pushed out, may as well go with a bang as a whimper! Nice tale, made me smile!

  7. JackieP says:

    He must have known he was being pushed out. Not good for the china though. Good story.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Thanks Jackie you are right not a good look for the shop though there is the consideration of the joy gus was having at the time. I am sure by now he is highly medicated.

  8. Joe Owens says:

    Exactly what i was thinking about going out with a memorable performance!

  9. draliman says:

    Loved the ending, and I particularly loved the word “frisbeed”!
    Poor Augustus.

    • summerstommy2 says:

      Thank you dear reader for your comment. I think frisbeed is a ‘new’ word as such as my dictionary didn’t want to know about it.

  10. Dear Summerstommy,

    I can see the plates flying now. Fun story.



  11. nightlake says:

    Poor man..amusing, but kind of sad too

  12. Sunshine says:

    well worth the big mess at the end 🙂

  13. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Summerstommy,

    i have a passion for discs and a penchant for throwing them so I identified with Augustus and sympathize with his plight. Great story and a nice evocation of the prompt.



  14. Ah.. not much left for Augustine now I guess…

  15. Couldn’t help but be amused by that final image, even if it is at the expense of your character’s failing health. I can just see those plates flying! Ron

  16. vbholmes says:

    I think he’d be lucky to end up with a broom and dust pan and not in a padded cell. An afternoon spent frisbeeing the Royal Doulton could warrant that..

  17. julespaige says:

    Maybe he was reliving the memories of a Greek wedding? But the good china – ouch!

Please feel free to comment, I appreciate your thoughts.