Friday Fictioneers ~ Miscommunication

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers where each week close to 100 people participate in a flash fiction challenge based on a photo prompt.

This week’s photo ~ Copyright: Me!

lvbyDawn(c)# (3)

And now my 100 word story:

I couldn’t believe he was finally going to ask me. This wasn’t the way I had it planned out in my head but I didn’t care, he was finally going to ask me!

He had brought me to this jewelry counter under some false pretense; his son was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him, he wanted help to pick out a ring.

Okay, did he think I was stupid?

It really didn’t matter.

The princess cut with two diamonds on each side.

Sure, I will try it on to “see how it looks”

Whaddaya know, a perfect fit.

53 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ~ Miscommunication

  1. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers: The Museum | Alastair's Blog

  2. Hopes dashed, she went in search of a Mrs. Fields for a BiG cookie and a diet Coke. (That’s what I would have done anyway.) Good prompt. I just didn’t have time this week to join in on the fun. So, I comment instead.


  3. Oh, what a kick in the teeth! I wonder if he even realizes that she’s seeing a future together. The fact he has a son old enough to propose tells me this is a second relationship…maybe he just wants some fun


  4. I so hope she is right about this. Great, enthusiastic, thrilled, excited voice (hopefully not soon to be disapointed).


  5. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers-Is She Worth It? | Rendezvous With Renee

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