Monday, August 26, 2013

Little Dresses

My husband and I raised two boys so everything in our home was boy, boy, boy.
Needless to say, when I saw these precious little dresses, I was hooked!

Isn't it the cutest?
If you have little girls in your world, 
you've probably seen these or even made them for your little ones.
But for me, they were something new.
Now for the neat part...
guess what they are made from?
Yes! Pillowcases.

These little dresses are easy to make, you only need a few materials:

seam binding
and of course:
sewing machine

The pattern and directions are from Nancy's Notions, you can find it here.
Her directions are very easy to follow...and the sewing is basic.

Once I made the first one...I wanted to make another. 
And after I got the hang of it, it only took me about 30 minutes per dress!

The possibilities are endless!
I think they are so sweet and perfect for warm summer days.
However, I'll bet a little blouse or t-shirt would be cute underneath on cooler days as well!

I'm joining Susan over at Between Naps on the Porch for her Metamorphosis Monday.
Be sure to drop by for loads of inspiration!

Now, what am I going to do with the dresses I've made?
Glad you asked!
At the top of Nancy's Notions pattern (link above) it mentions an organization called:
Little Dresses for Africa founded by Rachel O'Neill.
It is a non-profit organization that sends these dresses to little girls in need. 
They mainly are sent to regions of Africa, 
however they are also sent to needy children here in the states.
For loads of information, see Rachel's site here.

And by the way, they also have Britches for Boys!
You can find that pattern here.


  1. My goodness - how adorable!! You chose such wonderful fabrics - I love these. I wish my sewing machine was not broken!!

  2. Precious little dresses, and what a way to give. Most all of us have so much more than we realize, especially in comparison with countries which suffer with all kinds of needs. What a wonderful way to do something special for little children... girls and boys! Can't wait to see those Britches for Boys!

  3. Oh my, these dresses are absolutely adorable! I especially love the third one:) What a clever idea, using the pillowcases! You are going to make some little girl very very happy:) Thanks for sharing with us and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet comment! Hugs, Poppy

  4. Pillowcase dresses are the cutest! I don't have children but I've been telling my friends who have little girls that they should do this! So neat that you're going to send these off too little girls who need some pretty dresses in their lives! I'm new follower and now I'm going to check out the rest of your blog. Have a great night!

  5. They are darling dresses! I had 3 girls and now 3 grandgirls so oh yes....I know all about the girly dresses! I do have one grandson though and I struggle to find cute things to make that he likes. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. What a great idea to send the dresses to deserving little girls. They are so precious. I've made a few for my granddaughter, Lidia. I've also made gowns for her from pillowcases. She loves them and I'm sure the little girls in Africa will too.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any questions or comments, just let me know in the comment box below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!


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