Creations, A Wishing Tree

It was Fiesta time at our house Saturday and I can’t wait for you to come to the party!

party wreath


Now, I’m going to ask you to use your imagination here…


Just pretend that it’s not daytime, but that it’s nighttime and it’s dark,  and there are multicolored sparkling lights running down both banisters


Just imagine these white lights are multicolored Christmas lights… Oh! and there aren’t any Christmas lights across the street, just block those out… And remember the pots are full of beautiful yellow mums, not Christmas balls……….Got it?

Okay,  that’s what the front door looked like…

That I never photographed.

HH took the lights down first thing this morning because he told me the neighbors would think we were crazy.  He’s such a drama queen.  The neighbors obviously knew we were having a party last night when cars were everywhere!  And there are no rules about Christmas lights, who says you can’t use them in August?  Besides, have you ever been to Mexico?  Or a Mexican restaurant?  Colored lights are totally cool.  Please tell HH.  He has no vision.

These are sacrifices in reputation I will happily make to remain true to my design concept!

Please come in!


The Mariachi Band just arrived~


with a dancing senorita~


Wait!   Before you go in, please drop your gift in the Music Room and sign the guest book


There’s a  “Wishing Tree” for the bride and groom on top of the piano


It’s actually a wire tree we use at Christmas time


But it’s perfect for adding a leaf or two of well wishes for the happy couple


Some  free-hand leaf shapes cut from card stock


are punched with a hole in one end for easy tree hanging


I down loaded free clip art and printed out an image of a tree with heart leaves, and added the couple’s names.  On a clipboard stand by the wishing tree, it provides explanation for the party-goers.


The guests drifted in and out throughout the evening and added their leaves to the tree.  Which I didn’t photograph.  Because I’m an idiot. I was drinking wine, I was talking talking talking, I was being the perfect hostess of course!

If I had it to do over again, I would have at least used green card stock, cut leaf designs from a pattern and made it a little more professional overall…But in the grand scheme of things, the bride LOVED it, and it was just fine!

Sometimes you can’t do everything as perfectly as you’d like, and it’s hard to remember that the guests will remember how much fun they had, not little details and not if your base boards were dusted.  Which mine weren’t.


We will be partying at the Fiesta all week, so stop back tomorrow,  we can have a glass of wine and I’ll show you some simple Sombrero Cookies, a bridal cupcake display,  and a Coco Loco Snack Mix…some fast and easy sweets for Take-out Tuesday!

fiesta sign

Thanks so much for visiting!


I’ll be joining these fabulous parties:

Between Naps on the Porch

Coastal Charm

A Stroll thru Life

The Gunny Sack

Clean and Sensible

Savvy Southern Style

DIY Vintage Chic

5 Responses to “Creations, A Wishing Tree”
  1. Mary says:

    All your details are mucho fun Jenna including the Mariachi Band! I’m sure your couple of honor enjoyed your hospitality and the fact that you enjoyed the fiesta too instead of taking photos 🙂 Love the idea of the wishing tree and looking forward to your shower details!

  2. I am always up for a cute party, anytime anyplace…and dancing to boot…count me in.

  3. What a fun fiesta! Looks like a lot of work, though… Did you have a good time?

  4. Marty@A Stroll Thru Life says:

    Oh my goodness, love all the decor and how fun is this. Thanks for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

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