Only Joking – Friday Fictioneers

Here is this week’s entry into the weekly challenge brought to us by the lovely Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Here are the rules: Use the photo as inspiration, write a hundred(ish) words – and share! Here goes my offering for this week – and I welcome your comments again!

Copyrigth - Roger Bultot

Copyright – Roger Bultot

– Only Joking –

“Hello? Parking Services?”

“Yes, sir. How may I – ?”

“One of the Parks & Recreation Team blokes just chopped down a tree! And it’s on top of my bloody car!”

“I’m sorry to hear that, sir.”

“You were supposed to tow away any cars parked in my street today. And you haven’t! Why the hell not?”

“Change of policy, sir. The leader of the Council decided it was cheaper and easier to let residents claim on their insurance in these situations, rather than organise for a tow company to take their cars to the pound.”

“Aaaah! I am the leader of the Council, and it was a bloody joke. How stupid can you get?”

“I really couldn’t comment, sir.”

Click the blue froggy to read other writers’ offerings – and enjoy!

48 thoughts on “Only Joking – Friday Fictioneers

  1. As someone who just lost money because I had to spend £20 to get a new birth certificate so I could get on the payroll for 3 hours work, agree with the bureaucracy comments.

  2. haha. Sounds like the jokes on him. And further more if you’re the Council leader why aren’t you setting an example to move your own car instead of spending taxpayers money. Grrr. Now I’m upset.

    1. Well, my approach was that he was relying on them to do what he should have been doing – and probably to get away with not paying any release fee from the pound! Don’t get too upset… It is only a story! 🙂

    1. Crikey – that’s just reminded me of an embarrassing situation I got into at San Francisco airport many moons ago. It involved a souvenir from the cable car museum and my hand luggage… Thankfully, the customs people saw the funny side!

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