This blog is basically just a collection of my "random thoughts". I must warn you, though. I have been told that "I write like I talk", so if you don't understand what you are reading... chances are, if you met me... I wouldn't make much sense to you! Feel free to comment if you care to. Or not. I'm good either way!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Love Is In the Air" - Tablescape

Well, I finally finished my Valentine Tablescape!! I was going to call it my "Febrauary Tablescape", but I don't think I will leave it up for the whole month. I DO love it, though!

Here are some photos of it along with a few others. For some, I used my "flash" and for others, I didn't. My photography skills are still something that I am working on!

I used my same silver chargers that came from Michael's that I got for $1.99 each. The white plates are the same ones that I bought from the Dollar Tree for $1.00 each (They are great!!). The red plates are the ones that I bought right before Christmas at Target with my gift card. They were $4.99 for a set of 4, I think. (I bought 2 sets so that I could have 6 plates) The little white bowls are new. I spotted those at Michael's for only $1.99 each! -- No. I don't have any silverware or glasses on my table. This is something else that I need to work on! We DO, however, use glasses and silverware when we sit down to eat! **Smile**

 A closer look! The napkins were "freebies" from preschool that someone left on the "freebie table" at school, so I snatched them up!

Here is my Valentine Tree! I got this idea off of another blog. The vase is one that I picked up at Goodwill. (You can view that blog post - HERE) The branches are from my own yard and the hearts, I cut out of tissue paper. Easy!

The heart-shaped doilies are from Hobby Lobby. They were only $2.99 for a package of 6. I got the rose petals there, too! And if you look real closely... you can see a couple of "words" mixed in with the rose petals. One says "Kiss" and one says "Love. Those were another find at Hobby Lobby for $2.99 (Click HERE to view that post) The red votive's are from Christmas. Part of a gift from the teacher that I work with. The little pink cherub is one that I have had for years. Not sure where he came from.

Here is the jar that I bought at Ross a few weeks back. (Click HERE to see the blog post) I had seen one at this same store that was decorated for Valentine's Day, but then I saw this one and decided to decorate it myself! Here is my finished product! I bought a spool of this beautiful red ribbon at Michael's on the Christmas clearance shelf (paid like $1.00 for it!), then I bought this wooden heart and painted it myself. (David drilled the hole for me!) Inside of the jar, I cut out some hearts from cardstock and wrote "Love notes" on them! I thought it turned out rather cute! ~ What do you think??

This bowl is "Fenton", I believe -- or at least a look-a-like! My mother-n-law gave it to me for Christmas one year. I love it! I filled it full of yummy Valentine Hershey Kisses!

The candle is one that I bought back at Christmas. The stand is new. I got it from Michael's. (Oops! I forgot to take the sticker off of the bottom!)

The next couple of photos show a "work in progress" because ... a) they are not finised yet and b) I am not happy with how they look.

My hutch. More doilies and that beautiful ribbon bowl that I got from Marshall's. (Click HERE for that blog post) I still haven't changed out the ribbon yet!

This is David & I after my high school graduation -- June 1982! The little red rosebud vase is the one that I got from The Dollar Tree for $1.00. And the sign is the one that I picked up at TJMaxx for $2.50! I repainted it, like I said I would. (Click HERE for that blog post) ~ What do you think??

And, this is the frame that I bought at Hobby Lobby for $3.40. (Click HERE for that post) I was going to "make" a puffed heart to go into the frame, but then found a package of these red ones at Michael's for $1.99. I thought it turned out great! The angel is one that I've had for a while. It was a gift from my good friend, Cindy. The little bear was a gift from my good friend, Diana.

My mantle... for now! I am still working on it. You can see the red vase that I got from Ross and the little heart frame that I got from Goodwill. (Click HERE & HERE) I'll post some more photo's of my hutch and mantel after I finish with them AND I'm happy with the way that they look!


  1. The table looks really pretty Becky. You've done really well there. The love notes heart on the jar looks great. So many lovely little pieces, and it's all come together really well. I also loved the little white church/chapel in the first photo. Or is it just a little house? Well done you!

  2. You have done a great job! Love how creative you have gotten with the tree and putting the heart in that frame! Its fun to play around and make vignettes. Love the Fenton bowl!

  3. Becca ~ Thank you!

    This ~ Thank you! I think it is a little house. It has a little light in it that lights up when you flip the switch. Someone gave it to my mother for Christmas and she gave it to me. :)

    Linda ~ Thank you! I'm having fun with it! I'm still working on my mantle & my hutch. I have some other ideas, but I might need to make another trip to Michael's! Heehee!

  4. Becky - I forgot to say this morning, but "thank you" for putting my blog button on your side bar! You'll have to get one yourself, and I will then be able to return the favour.

  5. This ~ oh!! You are welcome! :) I love that you made one! You'll have to teach me HOW first! LOL!

  6. LOL! I'm not that clever. Another Blogger offered to make mine, and it took quite a few goes before she got it right! So I can take no credit at all for it, I'm afraid.

  7. Very cute. I love the Fenton bowl with the kisses- my favorite candy!

  8. This ~ That's ok. I'll figure it out one day.

    Mississippi ~ Thank you and thanks for visiting! :)

  9. What a fun table! Lovin' the hobnail bowl your MIL gave you and your new bowls are so cute-enjoy:@)

  10. Becky...I love your sweet and happy Valentine's tablescape, I love the china dishes and all the beautiful details!
    Hope you visit my blog, you're evry welcome!
    Happy Valentine's

  11. Pig in Mud ~ Love you blog title!! :) Thank you for visiting my blog!

    Fabby ~ Thank you! Yes, I will be sure to visit! :)

  12. Super cute Valentines Table! love it!

  13. Now that's work! I still like your white vase-you can do anything with it. The table looks beautiful with all of the contrasting reds and whites. But the sweetest is the frame with the red heart and the angel. You could write a story just from that small scene. You really do good stuff Becky!

  14. Melissa ~ Thank you! Glad that you like it!

    Susan ~ Thank you! You are so sweet! Yes. The white vase will be used a LOT, I'm sure! And that picture frame will come in handy. I can change out the red heart and place other things inside of it. I like that it is "deep".

  15. Marigene ~ Thank you for your comment and for visiting my site! :)

  16. Sorry this is late, I was just able to log onto blogspot for the first time this whole week practically. I love your Valentines decorations. The branches and red plates are my favorites. You've done a really nice job decorating.

  17. so cute love the love note jar.Happy Valentines day. Dogs are sweet

  18. Heather ~ No need to apologize! I haven't been on Blogger much this week, either. Thank you for your compliments :)

    Three Dogs ~ Thank you!! And thank you for stopping by my blog for a visit! :)



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