Felt like heaven

This is an entry for the  Friday Fictioneer‘s hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

I submitted my last week story yesterday and am submitting this week’s story today ! (well it’s not a story actually). Hope to read a lot more stories this week 🙂

Constructive suggestion/feedback are welcome !


My story follows the photo prompt below

Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy

It felt like heaven

 It felt like heaven when mom hugged me and said it would be okay

when I finally managed to ride the bicycle on my own

when I scored a six of the last ball to win the championship for my team

when I got down on my knees and she said yes

when I saw her face at the airport after a long voyage

when I held my little princess in my arms

when I saw my little princess take her first steps

It felt like heaven when I had loved ones by my side to share the joy and misery of life


To see what the other Fictioneer’s are upto click on the toad below

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  1. I really like the direction the photo inspired you to go with this. Good work.

  2. Lovely musing. But the tragedy is that as we go through life, we seldom live in the moment, so engaged do we get with our fears from the past and uncertainties from the future. So much so that we miss out on acknowledging the blessings that life bestows on us all the time.


    1. Rightly said. I rmbr this conversation from Kung fu Panda movie… its goes something like the past is gone future uncertain.. but the present is a present.. i don’t rmbr the exact words.. thanks for stopping by 🙂

      1. Thanks for the link i enjoyed reading it..
        especially this modified version.. “Yesterday is a canceled check; tomorrow is a promissory note; today is the only cash you have – so spend it wisely”
        Kay Lyons

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