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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Pink and Green

 Happy Pink Saturday!

We planted Gladiolus bulbs (from Latin, the diminutive of gladius, a sword) during Spring Break and now they are blooming beautifully. Funny thing is that they look nothing like the photo on the package they came in! A few weeks ago I discovered the spear-like leaves covered in tiny black caterpillars. Not good! They were making holes in the leaves, so I mixed together one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of dish washing liquid and about 3 cups of water in a squirt bottle. I misted the leaves and that got rid of them.

 The gladiolus is the August birth flower and symbolizes sincerity and strength of character. 'Love at first' sight is what the hidden message of this flower was during the Victorian era. 

Speaking of garden pests, we spotted a shiny green metallic beetle on our dwarf lemon tree. When it flew it buzzed as loud as a bumble bee! I had never seen one of these Japanese Scarab, or Green Chafer, beetles before - his legs were glittering in the sunlight!

  Doing a quick Google search I learned that these beetles are considered a nuisance by farmers. He thoroughly enjoyed his visit to our lemon tree blossom.

It's Saturday and that means pancakes at our house. Hope you have a great day.

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  1. For a pest he sure is pretty. Gorgeous flowers - thanks for sharing! Brightened my morning. Happy Pink Saturday!

  2. Love the post of the hot pink Gladiolus. I am an August baby and I guess my birth flower suits me well. Stop by soon and share my poetry and life happenings! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!

  3. Glad you found a natural way to save the leaves from the caterpillars.

    And a day specifically for pancakes is such a good idea. :)

  4. My grandmother Gladys was named after the gladiolus!! I love them. sandie

  5. Such brilliant photography! Love how you captured the beetle as it munches away the lemon blossoms:) Lovely pink gladiolus brightens up my day!Thanks for sharing the natural way to eliminate the caterpillars, my garden is infested with them:( I enjoyed your visit to my place the other day:) Happy Sunday!~Poppy

  6. I love Glads! Hard to keep them upright though! My Grandmother grew them. Happy Sunday!

  7. Lovely pix! Interesting visitors to your garden. Love your natural solution for the critters.
    Have a great weekend.

  8. Hi Shawn!!! I absolutely love your gorgeous photos! Always fun to have a look into a friend's garden!!!! And thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I love your visits!!!! Have a nice week, my friend!

  9. I have gotten so far behind on your post, Shawn.......I apologize! Will do my best to get caught up in the next few days.

  10. The beetle and your photographs are gorgeous!!!


I'm so glad you visited and really appreciate your comments. I'll put a fire under the kettle and you choose which tea we'll steep~