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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Star Spangled Summer

Now that it's July it feels like summer to me. Here in California we experience an annual 'June Gloom' which means most days of summer school break until now have started out overcast and cool. But once July arrives we get long sunny days! 
The 4th Of July holiday brings back childhood memories of being allowed to stay up late, playing with my cousins, drinking hot chocolate after the fireworks were over, and warming my hands by the little charcoal fires my Dad made inside large coffee cans.


Me, around age 10, getting into our pool. Loved it when Dad set up the pool each summer!

  Are you going to a parade or firework show? The three of us are staying put and plan to spend some time in the backyard. While setting everything up, I finished my late morning cup of tea. This teacup, called Historic Colonial Scenes Old North Church, was made in England.

It has a scene of Paul Revere. I'm fond of transferware and really like blue and white, don't you?

I set up the patio table with games and snacks.

 College Girl made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. 

We have the board game called Sorry set up to play, with Scrabble, Yahtzee, and Othello stacked and waiting on the table.

 I cut up some watermelon.

 I found these bandana print napkins at Target. I like using fun printed napkins for personal use at the table or even to line serving dishes and platters.

  I also found this little wire lantern at Target and placed small red acrylic hearts from Michael's around the candle. A straw dispenser comes in handy.

Handyman won the first game of Sorry and College Girl won the first round of Othello - but don't worry - I'll catch up when we play Yahtzee! The sunflowers are blooming now and I was thrilled to see the first buds on our Gladiolus. Woohoo! They're going to be gorgeous.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday with your family and friends.

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  1. Love your festive table and idea of setting up games- and those bandana napkins are perfect!

  2. Love your decor for the 4th of pretty and festive!!! Thanks for stopping by the Bloglovin post. I love the emails they send out too...seems easier than the blogger dashboard.
    Have a wonderful 4th of July!!

  3. Very fun posting and hope you have a great week!

  4. Hi sorry the blog was playing up...if it's not one thing it's another!!! But thanks for telling me! What browser were you using? Chrome? Firefox, IE?
    PS...LOVE your pretty and patriotic. I love Liberty Blue. Great Photos!

  5. Hi Shawn: I just noticed we both live in California. I don't know why I did not notice before, we are neighbors! Love your table, you out did yourself. It looks so fun. I too wish you a wonderful 4th of July. Sending hugs and blessings, Martha

  6. Hello Shawn,
    Happy forth to you too! Your festive tea is perfectly patriotic! I love all the color, and your wonderful napkins.
    Games are a good idea, sometimes I forget how much we like to play them.

  7. What a lovely post pretty girl! You look adorable at 10, such memories of 4ths Summer past! Your table is awesome, you did a marvelous job. The plates are gorgeous, along with so much flags! Enjoy tons your Fourth weekend.

  8. What a lovely trip down memory lane. :) I, too, am fond of transferware. Your table looks so very inviting. We used to really enjoy Othello at our house...but then my husband started winning every game and I always knew the point at which he triumphed and the fun was gone. Oh how I loved that game. But...I'm tooo much of a competitor. But, you'll laugh we play Yahtzee at nearly every meal. We've instead of Triple Yahtzee we play Double's not too short nor too long. Haha! Oh, I almost forgot! Your Uncle Sam centerpiece is just the cutest thing!!
    Hope your weekend is extraordinary!

  9. Hi Shawn, lovely 4th of July post you've got there. And those oatmeal cookies are similar to our ANZAC biscuits here in OZ. The sunflowers are delightful to the eyes. I would love to see some Gladiolas. Thank you for your sweet visit.

    Hope you have a good weekend.

  10. Hi Shawn! I loved reading your 4th of July post! I especially like reading about your childhood memories and seeing the wonderful photos! I hope you and your family had a wonderful day - it looks like you planned for an amazing one! Thank you so much for your visit to my blog, too! Hugs!!!!!

  11. what a terrific post my friend. perfect! xo

  12. Looks wonderful - we didn't go to a parade or to fireworks - rained out! But we did go to a cookout! Love this setting and the family fun with games - too cool!
    I am delighted that you shared with A Return to Loveliness,


I'm so glad you visited and really appreciate your comments. I'll put a fire under the kettle and you choose which tea we'll steep~