DIY Pet Feeding Station

DIY Pet Feeding Station

I know this may seem like a silly project, but there is a really good reason for it. We have this crazy cat named Gizmo that LOVES water. Yes, our cat loves water and one of his favorite things to do is to knock the water dish around the kitchen and get all wet. This little game of his D R I V E S me C R A Z Y!!! So I had to do something to fix it. Yes, I could have just gone to the store to get a heavier dish, but what fun would that be? I had left over wood and paint so it just made perfect sense to make a little table for his dish to try and fix the problem.

We have a dog too and he shares the water dish with Gizmo. They love each other so it works out great.
Max and Gizmo

I had an idea of what I wanted in my head, but first I took the two pieces of Plywood we had in the garage and the pet dishes to measure out the size I would need.
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 1

After marking the size, I cut and glued the two pieces together.
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 2

Next I measured the container for the food I planned to store below the table, then gathered I all the random left over 2x4s I had and cut  them based on the size of my food container.
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 3

Next I cut two more pieces of 2×4 to attach the legs and give extra support to the table top.

DIY Pet Feeding Station Step

Once I had the extra support pieces cut to the right size based on the table top, I attached them  to the legs.
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 5

The legs and support pieces then were attached to the top.
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 6

I then added some door molding to create the edge that would keep Gizmo from moving the bowl around the kitchen.
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 7

Time to sand and paint!
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 9
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 10
DIY Pet Feeding Station Step 11.
DIY Pet Feeding Station Top view.
DIY Pet Feeding Station

WHAT???? Yep, his is already trying to knock it around and I’m STANDING RIGHT HERE!
DIY Pet Feeding Station
I decided that I loved the end results too much to let him damage it by getting it wet every day, so I added some nails to keep the dish from moving around. HA! try it now Gizmo!!!

Now, it was time to work on the food containers that would go below the table. This solved my second problem! My son kept saying he needed help getting the food from the top of the fridge, so by storing it below the dish table there would be no reason for him NOT to feed his pets on his own. For this project I just used some ribbons, empty pretzel containers and some Scrapbooking chip board tags.

pretzel container upcycled 2

I painted the chip board tags with some white craft paint and made a dotted edge with a marker, tied some jute rope, added a button accent and attached it with hot glue.
DIY tags

DIY Pet food containers

Here is how it looks all together:

DIY Pet Feeding Station

It turned out better than what I had pictured in my head. I hope you like it too! If you like it, show some love by sharing it, pinning it, liking it or leaving a comment. I love comments! Follow my blog via the links on the right column or via Pinterest and Facebook to keep up with all my projects.


So honored to be featured here:

Madcap Frenzy

Simply Dream and Create

Shelterness: 8 Cool DIY Cat Bowls And Feeders

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About Creative Dominican

Hi There! Thanks for stopping by. I'm Beca and I'm a wife, a mom, a web designer and crafter. I love to create things! It's a way for me to relax and remember my mother who was the most creative and talented person I have ever met. Hugs, Beca

11 responses »

  1. Great project!!!!! Love it 🙂

  2. I am SOO impressed! Your brain is filled to the brim with severe creativity! You do a great job blogging your projects. It’s fun to look at!

  3. So adorable! I love it! Your furbabies seem to love it too!
    (new follower and fellow pet lover)
    Morgaine from Madcap Frenzy
    P.S. I would also like to invite you to join my June Totally Tuesday Link Party:

    • Hi Morgaine! Thanks sooo much. Isn’t amazing how much our fur babies still our hearts? Thanks for the sweet comment and the follow and invite! I just linked up at your party and became a new follower! Have a great weekend.

  4. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.

    How cute is that! I bet Max and Gizmo are very happy pets!

  5. Pingback: 8 DIY Cat Bowls

  6. awesome job & great idea I host a FURRY FRIENDS FRIDAY blog hop for all pet friendly blogger would love if you would come link up


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