Friday, May 17, 2024


RESTED THROUGH THE NIGHT waking still feeling nauseated, but better.  Hubby was up several times during the night visiting the porcelain throne.  His symptoms came on like a ton of bricks and his throat is raspy from the results of this flu.  I'm partly expecting him to have more side effects from this crude today.  We were suppose to go to REGIONALS for track, but plans have been changed.  Staying HOME.  

I'm still sipping SPRITE and eating soda crackers.  I suppose my BLOOD SUGAR is way high from the sugar in the pop, but LORD HAVE MERCY I needed some relief with some fizzy beverage in my gut.  I didn't have sugar-free in the pantry and what we did have was much appreciated.  I only drink soda pop like Sprite or 7-up with the flu.  

Soda crackers are rarely eaten, but once again I needed some relief.  No coffee or tea for me.  In August, it will have been 3 years since I last tasted coffee.  I haven't missed it very much.  I do drink tea a bit.  

I'm nibbling on the left-over CHRISTMAS Candy Canes thinking the peppermint will help with the nausea.  Gotta do something.  I was so pleased that during the Christmas HOLIDAY we stayed well.  Still pleased about this, but having the flu in the month of MAY isn't welcomed either.  

It rained during the night and the skies are cloudy this morning.  I heard thunder in the distance thinking it was going to be a wicked storm.  It wasn't.  The little pepper and tomato plants I planted are appreciating the moisture and I have not had to water them.  I placed the patio containers about the cellar doors grouping them to make a statement for someone that does not garden.  grins.  I am in hopes that they grow beautiful produce and we can munch on some nutritious food later that does not have pesticides on them.

I want to get back to taking my vitamins.  I have failed to do so for about a week.  We had traveled out of town and I had them with me, but failed to take them.  Easy to do when not at HOME.  My fingernails grow so much better when I take the pills.  That's worth something for someone who cannot seem to grow long fingernails.  Vanity or just good 'ole necessity.

I'll take some migraine meds here in a little bit and see if that quiets down the headache.  I believe I will feel better in a few days and can return to walking outside around the football field track.  Here I was so pleased to have walked my first mile of the season on Mother's Day and again on Monday.  So pleased.  How quickly things can change.  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are out.  It will probably be a solid week before I take it back up.  Hopefully I can.  With this illness, I have consumed fewer calories than usual.  A hard way to go about it, but then the appetite is gone.  Doing my best to stay hydrated.  Some weight loss has happened, but I know it's water.  I can look at it in a more positive light and tell myself some detoxing has come from this flu and what I start to put back into my system can be healthy vegetables and no processed foods at all.  I can tell myself that, but it's a hard habit to break.

Food had no hold on me the past few days.  Looking at pictures of food just about caused an issue sending me to the porcelain princess.  No appeal at all.

Sipping Sprite this morning trying to keep my gut calm.  Crackers soon.  Thankful that something is helping me feel better.  I believe it is times like this that I appreciate good health more than ever.  My gut still hurts.  Headache and nauseated.  

I had the strength to load some towels into the washing machine and take some trash out of the bathroom waste can.  Restocked some dirty dishes in the sick and fill the sink with detergent water that's extremely hot.  I will try to wash these this morning if I can.  No solid food today.  Crackers and soda pop will do and I will be very pleased to have this.  Going crackers isn't as bad as it can be.  Praise the LORD for soda crackers and Sprite.  Praise the LORD, indeed.

There's a short scripture I say out loud when I am not feeling the best.  Besides the Lord's Prayer I say Jeremiah 17:14. Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.

I'm not crackers, my simple brain remembers this one.  

Already the 17th of the month.  May is half over.  Can you believe it?  It's strange how fast the time flies right on by.  Will take in some fresh air today.  I feel well enough to load the car with donation items.  The sofa is covered with boxes full of stuff with the overflow on the floor.  Get it out of here and keep on thinning stuff out.  The larger things I can possibly sell?  Maybe?

I will go walk the backyard looking at the Irises clipping some for the vase indoors.  About two more weeks of blooms to love.  

Thursday, May 16, 2024


THANK GOD, I am feeling so much better.  ROUGH GOINGS after being under the weather on Tuesday and some of Wednesday.  Soda crackers and Sprite helped.  Lots of rest and a HUSBAND that allowed me time to rest.  Upset stomach isn't much fun.

On WEDNESDAY, I gathered things to go for donation.  Things cluttered up the table top. Placed the things in boxes then grouped it in the Living room so I could load in the car taking it to a donation center in TOPEKA.  Like a cleansing taking place.  Lord have needs cleansed.

I rested as I went. Did some laundry.  Ate soda crackers and sipped on Sprite.  No heavy food. Can't stomach it. 

Sometimes I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and getting nowhere with thinning out.  Where's the light at the end of the tunnel?  Becoming a minimalist is hard work for an old woman like me. Having to talk to myself to encourage myself to keep at it.  I want to give up, but know that I cannot.  Have to stay the course.  I never imagined that this phase of LIFE would require so much effort.

Hubby and I are tired.  Going on 7 months of being here at the COTTAGE and we are still not settled.  Shocking.  The clean-up after having to rush out of the big house we sold, was not what you'd call a clean move.  Things were moved out of the house as fast as we could go and when doing this we had to take short cuts to make it happen quickly.  THINGS were taken to storage and what a mess.  Things were crammed into the COTTAGE requiring effort to sort through.  It will take a year before we can go through all the boxes in the storage units.  The storage units are like an extension of our basement/attic.  

Today, I made headway on thinning out STUFF that will be donated.  How do I feel?  In disbelief I held onto so much stuff.  Is it lack of FAITH and TRUST in the LORD that HE will supply our needs?  I wondered about this.  

I gave it some more thought about putting the Victorian Bedroom furniture into the storage side of the garage making it into a spare bedroom and turning the small pink bedroom into a TV room.  In doing so, the front Living room would be a PARLOR and our messy everyday room would be in the TINY BEDROOM.  The more I think about this the more it becomes appealing to me.  

The things that go through ones mind when ill.  

Every now and then I touch base with how the trial is going concerning President Trump.  He's in a world of hurt.  I'll remain mute on my true feelings about #45.  One very touchy subject matter.  A HOT BUTTON in today's society.  Still, I check in to see how this is progressing.  

It is healthier for me to read about nutrition and decorating than #45.  

HUBBY is ill now and I have a different thing going on with my body.  Lord, Have mercy.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024


A PERFECTLY AWFUL DAY.  I woke around 2 in the morning feeling nauseated and by 3 I was up chucking at the toilet.  At 5am, 6:30, 7:30, 9:15, 1pm and again 7pm I returned. Nauseated all day.  Slept off and on.  The thought of food makes me sick.  Sipping on Sprite and munching on soda crackers.

I nodded off to find my Husband asleep on the loveseat when I woke.  IT'S ONLY 11 AT NIGHT, I hope I can go back to sleep waking to better health in the morning.  It's been one rough day.  

FLU, food poisoning, the dreaded c o v i d?  Slight headache and temp.  

SHALL SEE HOW TODAY GOES.  Taking it VERY easy though.  All the plans I made went out the window and that's just the way it is.  


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

RAINY DAY RAMBLINGS and I'm all wet.

MONDAY'S FORECAST.  🌦RAINY MORNING.  I woke late this morning due to not falling asleep at a decent hour last night.  My body knew it needed rest so 8 hours of sleep came after I fell asleep making it a late morning waking for the day.  Binged watch the television series YOUNG SHELDON.  I hadn't watched it when it was originally broadcasted.  I think I need a break from SHELDON as I have overdosed on it.  I'll take a break and do something else returning later.

💊Morning meds taken, 👚load of laundry in, 🥫grocery list typed up, day figured and now I will refold some sheets that I need to know what sizes they are so I can label them.  I need to go pay the phone bill in person which allows me an opportunity to get away from the house for a bit. Hubby just told me he needs to come along to get some supplies from MENARDS.  Not sure he will like the slow pace I am going to move at as I am looking forward to some goof off time as I shop.  Better give him a heads up.

I go to one community to pay the phone bill, then drive on over to a larger community to pick up a few groceries, return a toilet paper holder to 🎯TARGET, go by the KSU GARDENS to view the Irises if I can get down their drive.  There is construction going on as they build a rather large reflecting pool.  Last time I tried to see their Irises they had moved them over by a fence downsizing their inventory making room for this reflecting pool.  Looking forward to their 2025 gardens. 

Train just rumbled by in the background.  I am getting more use to the noise they make.  This took 6 months to happen instead of years.  I had forgotten how close the tracks are to my sweet COTTAGE, but it is further away then when we lived in the rock house.  Seems that I am more in tuned to their whistles the older I get.  

The front door just was opened to let some fresh air indoors.  Our SPRING is here and I must enjoy every second as I know SUMMER isn't far behind and it will be a scorcher.  The DOG DAYS OF SUMMER will be here.  As for now, I love seeing the green coloring return in nature with flowers galore. 

Gosh, this thing called RETIREMENT is suppose to be a way to do things of interest because one has more time on their hands.  I'm finding out that time passes quicker and there is less energy available to do such things.  Concentrating more on it then being a work horse of days gone by. Managing the money is of the utmost importance as well.  Here it is the month of MAY and I am still trying to tweak the BUDGET to where we are not making money runs to cover the expenses.

We spent some funds on buying bushes and a small fridge to store only veggies and fruits.  Had medical bills from the cataract surgeries.  Second half of COTTAGE TAXES.  Car tags coming due as well as insurance.  Four Grandsons graduations with traveling expenses and a brother's retirement gift.  Maybe with June's spending I can pull the reigns in and not be spending as much.  Not sure.  Gotta see.

It really is like playing a game trying to not spend money.  One sure thing is if you don't spend, you save or should be able to.  I had better listen to my own advice.  When Health insurance between two people hits the banks, it is a chunk of money that we do not get to spend on fun things.  Ours is about $650.oo a month and the thyroid meds we take are not included because they are considered NATURAL instead of synthetic meaning another $150 or so comes out of the pocket.  $800.oo is pocket change for some and no big deal.  To us old peeps here in the FLINT HILLS in the COTTAGE, it's a chunk of change that is spent.

Being thrifty really is an art form.  Thoughts taking place on ways to be more thrifty.  Amen.  I frequently buy thrift like clock work.  I could sell items via eBay or by some other means.  Still thinning out our stuff.  

📨Headed to Post Office to mail a card and pick up mail.  TEA TIME magazine was waiting for me.  
Took a drive to the community where I pay the phone bill instead of mailing it.  
💵Pulled some cash from one bank to deposit into a different bank that our checking account is with.  
💰Purchased some $2 bills.  
🥔Off to the bigger community to eat LUNCH.  I overdid the calories by eating a veggie potato loaded with CHEESE.  I got my veggies, but how do I justify all those calories?  I can't.

💧Went to DOLLAR TREE to purchase some ETERNAL and ICELANDIC water.
Bought two $1.25 umbrellas.
🥤Off to TARGET to return the toilet paper holder that we changed our minds on.  Will be going with one that attaches onto the end of the vanity.  Starbucks iced green tea.  Purchased some laundry detergent and Clorox Bleach.
🔨Needed to go to Home Depot for tile supplies.
🚗Quick stop at DILLONS for gasoline and some 🥒cucumbers.
On the road again to go HOME and it poured rain.
Didn't make it to the KSU Gardens.  Too wet.

🍛Unloaded the car and warmed some left-over goulash for SUPPER.
🍨Also had ice cream for dessert.  oops.  This didn't rest well with me.  I loaded up the car and went to the track so I could walk
a MILE.  
🏃I managed to get a mile in before it was pitch black outside.  SO PROUD of myself for pushing myself after a busy day.  

I felt pretty good walking a mile.  I was breathing heavier than I'd like to be, but figure when keeping this up I will breathe easier with time.

👟By the end of SUMMER, I hope to be walking 3 miles each time I go.  This may be too ambitious for an old lady, but I can hope.  By then I will have broken in my walking/running shoes.

👶I will be babysitting my youngest grandson this week.  We will play and read, dance and sing.  Daughter has a doctor's appointment so I'm not sure how long she will be gone.  After I get HOME and rest, I'll do some laundry and housework.  If it's not raining, I will see about getting my walk in for the day.  Another MILE. ☂

🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀Will watch some BASKETBALL tonight.  NBA Playoffs.  Dallas and OKC.  When we were at our OKLAHOMA Son's house last week, we watched Dallas play against the THUNDER.  It was fun so when Hubby said we could watch them play again, it was a WINNER.  

Very SLOWLY messes in the house are disappearing.  NEATNESS will prevail.  I am holding firm to the idea that we will get to the place where the COTTAGE fits us and we fit it.  Please and thank you.

🛏Thoughts of sewing some simple quilts comes to mind and some summer clothing, but I can't sew until the house is under control.  Hubby is working at remodeling the Bathroom so we have a very messy house as boxes are still sitting about.  Tile will go up on the walls behind the tub.  The window that's on this wall will get some new glass, new trim will be hung.  Ceiling will probably be faux tin.  A Linen Closet will be built.  Can't wait.  

~d ☂ 

Monday, May 13, 2024


MOTHER's DAY and the week is off to a great start.  Telephoned my MOM to wish her a wonderful Mother's Day so far away.  She received her card and gift I mailed her a few days ago before SUNDAY got here.  Glad she got them.  With the mail, I never know.

While we were out for our Oklahoma Grandson's graduation, my oldest son and blessed me with a Mother's Day balloon and beautiful roses.  Received a lovely card from my Sis and one from my Mom.  

Flowers and a lovely card from lil Miss.  

Message from a Granddaughter.  Well wishes from my Daughter.  Card from HUBBY and a special Little House on the Prairie COOK BOOK also a 1890s Ironstone dinner plate with TEA LEAF pattern on it.  All very much appreciated.  SO much appreciated.

My heart hurts a little as I have not heard from one of my children at all.  Saddens me some.  I mustn't let it bother me so.  Perhaps there will be a late night phone call.  If not, I'll wish that there had been.  How's about that, the phone just rang and it is he.  PTL.  Talked for about an hour.

We went to a Grandson's High School Graduation this afternoon around 2 before the stormy weather comes in.  Home now and resting.  

I worked in a MILE WALK in the morning before having to get ready for the graduation.  The start for the mile walks has started!  A great way to remember when I started walking a mile is to recall I started on Mother's Day 2024.  Hopefully, I will get walks in the mornings and get the work-out out of the way for the day.

All sweaty after the walk with my reading glasses on.

When I talked to my MOM she had walked the long hallway in the large building she lives in now.  She is an inspiration to me.  92 and goes for walks.  PTL.  Hope to return to visit sometime in June and then I can walk her hallway 4 times making a mile.  I'm up to a good thing here.

LUNCH today was canned chicken on a bed of romaine lettuce.  Salt and pepper to taste.  One of the quickest salads I know of and I like it immensely which helps.  If I eat these for quick LUNCHES or even faster SUPPERS, it will help me shed a few pounds. 

AND I MUST get back into the swing of things to lose weight for the long haul.  I watched some videos on the computer about MY 600 POUND LIFE.  Oh my.  I was on my way to being one of them.     

NOT PROUD OF THIS WEIGHT, but I know I have to work at being a lighter weight.  Time and investment required.  The walking has begun and changes in the food program has taken place.  I cannot return to the way I ate for so many years.  I have graduated.  

I watched HOARDERS for a while and now MY 600 POUND LIFE.  Seeing the programs helps me to walk through what I need encouragement with when dealing with some areas of my life. The first step is to admit there's a problem.  Second, something must be done to be PRO-ACTIVE in changing.  Third, DO NOT GIVE UP.  Stay with changing.  I enjoy watching the short reels of people going from obesity to less.  I like to see what becomes of the horrible messes in ones house and see it disappear to looking normal again.  Decorating shows that take the before to the now inspire me.

PLANS FOR THE WEEK?  Finish that laundry.  Heavens.  This has grown AGAIN.
Round up things to get rid of.
Vacuum the Living room carpet and dust.
Refold some sheets.
Clear off the dining room table.
Mark the Irises so I know where certain ones are.
Praise the LORD, no medical appointments scheduled this week.
Baby sit lil Dude.
Track Meet.
Clean the cars out.
GO WALKING each day.
Break in some walking shoes that have been boxed up for a couple of years.

Count my blessings and be thankful.

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Orange Glazed Irises from our garden.

I AM THERE.  I HAVE ARRIVED.  OLD AGE SNUCK UP ON ME.  I must do my best to be living in the moment because the past is a memory.  The future may never come while on earth.  Living in the moment.  Still, one must do some planning.  

It's a mental work-out for me to stay focused on the present, but allowing times to recall sweet memories not getting too weepy because it's in the past.  Embracing the moments to fully enjoy. We mustn't stop all day dreaming as it is part of the formula for making dreams become a reality. 

Being thankful should be desired.  I work at it.  I remind myself that I am alive forging ahead. When alive, LIVE.  Life is for the living.     

The body has a memory, doesn't it?  Past injuries resurface and test the body's ability to function in comfort.  Aches and pains want attention that I don't want to give time to entertain, but they are there.  These days, I ask myself what can I do to whip the pain.  How to get rid of it?  Leaning toward more natural remedies.  The medical field has its place, but I don't run to the doctor's office every time I feel a new ache.  Brilliant.  I'm leaning more toward natural solutions versus synthetic.

For instance, I have been the recipient of one of those humans that has dried skin.  Like never before has it been so dry.  I'd be advised that because I have diabetes I have dry skin.  Because I don't have a thyroid, I have dry skin.  Apply lotion to moisturize.  

Lotion does not cure it.  To stay on the healthier side of things, I started using olive oil or coconut oil to moisturize the skin which is the largest human organ of all time.  The olive oil and coconut oil do not have added chemicals to play chaos on ones health.  Back to the dry skin.  I noticed after I returned to taking supplements that the dry skin disappeared.  A BONUS!  Regular docs won't encourage olive oil, coconut oil or supplements.  It would be more products with chemicals in them.    

Instead of being disappointed that my skin is now like the Sahara dessert of organs, I am rejoicing that it is feeling more like it use to when I was a young thang.  

My dear Husband just brought to me a HOT CINNAMON Tea with a splash of cayenne pepper in it.  What a treat and healthy too.  

I came across this saying on facebook and I do agree with it.

If I could relive my life, I would hope that I would have the good sense to treat my human body LIKE a TEMPLE and eat wholesome foods, stayed fit, pray more and gather less clutter.  If I had the knowledge and experience like I have under my belt, I'd hope that I wouldn't ignore it and would be more pro-active dealing with health issues, nutrition and such.  Just a thought.  

I would have bought ground and paid it off through the years and then when retiring, the ground would be there to build on or sell as an investment.

LIFE IS INTERESTING, isn't it?  I believe I would have done some things differently, but then this isn't possible.  Learn from the mistakes, gives thanks and proceed.  

From what I gather, we should keep our bodies in motion, our minds alert, and eat nutritiously. DO everything in moderation.  It is for the best to follow God's instructions and mimic HIM. Lord, Help me to do what you want me to do.    

I can tell I am the age I am.  I have to sit a spell then pace myself to get things done.  Oh, this thing called old age is for real.


Friday, May 10, 2024


LORD WILLING, I WILL GET A FEW DAYS TO REST AND RELAX to where I can get the last of the laundry FINALLY caught up.  Just got back in town from going to Oklahoma for a grandson's 8th grade graduation.  It was awesome to see everyone and be a part of the celebration.

He looks so grown up as his braces came off just before the ceremony.  All smiles!

His mom made such a special spread of food for us.  
She is quite the HOSTESS!

Before we headed HOME, my son and blessed me with some beautiful roses and a sweet balloon for Mother's Day.  How very much appreciated.

 Made my eyes tear up.

We drove through our old HOMETOWN where we lived in OKLAHOMA back in the day and purchased a TEA LEAF dinner plate from the 1890s.  This is one pattern that I am hunting down.  

Iced Tea in Bartlesville on the way HOME and stopped off at LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE in Independence, Kansas.  I could easily live in something like this in the country.  It was incredibly PEACEFUL.  

HOME at last and I am beat.  There's something about trips that make my legs don't want to work once I get out of the car.  When I get out of the car, it's difficult to walk.  Still not use to this happening.  Stretched my legs before going inside to sit.  Looking forward to doing NOTHING so I can rest.   

Laundry can be worked on over the week-end and I will decide what else I need to do as well before going to a local Graduation for another Grandson graduating from High School.  Walking will pick up and I will be back on track eating low cal meals.  

Busy three days.

Blog Archive


Pie Crust Recipe.
With her permission I share her recipe with you.
BLESS your family, friends and your taste buds with this wonderful crust.

Pie Crust Recipe

1 cup flour
3 heaping tablespoons of shortening
A dash of salt
A tiny bit of ice cold water

Mix ingredients together well.
Roll out on wax paper.
Assemble pie.
Spread a little milk on top of crust before baking.

Simply delicious,


I knew a very frugal Lady named Edith that shared with me a excellent guideline for decorating. She said with ease, "If your room has clean ceilings, floors, and walls, and the windows have nice curtains, you'll have an attractive room."

John 3:7

Marvel not that I said unto thee,

Ye must be born again.

King James Version (KJV)

PSALM 118:17

I shall not die,
but live, and declare
the works of the Lord.


By wisdom
a house is built,
and through understanding

it is established;

its rooms are filled with rare

and beautiful treasures.

Lilacs On The Prarie

Lilacs On The Prarie




Romans 10:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Acts 4:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.





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CLICK ON PIC TO READ Granny Nanny And A Living Canvas.
"HOME is a wonderful place to LIVE. No matter the size of the rooms, ones HOME is a place to call ones own. I so LOVE my HOME." ~Deanna~

Dining On The Prairie In The Old Stone House

Dining On The Prairie In The Old Stone House
Blue Garland Dishes

Blue Willow Moment On The Prairie

Blue Willow Moment On The Prairie

Why I Decided To Become A Homemaker

Why I Decided To Become A Homemaker
Read All About it Here

PSALM 90:12

to number OUR days,
that we may apply our HEARTS


LUKE 12: 27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.




As long as I live, I will have to continually submit to God's plan for my life. You will be blessed because you turned your life over to God. Be confessing how good God is and tell Him you agree with who He says He is. BELIEVE and watch miracles happen. Be not afraid. ~Deanna

I Love My Husband

I Love My Husband

A Quiet Life

A Quiet Life


SELECTING THE CORRECT SIZE CHANDY TO USE IN A ROOM MADE EASY. FORMULA MEASUREMENTS: Measure the room's height and width. Add together the numbers. Example: 8' x 10' room is 8 plus 10= 18" Use a 18" wide chandy. OR Take width of room calculating 2" for every foot. Example: 15' wide room. Take 15 times 2 = 30. Room needs 30" wide chandy. Standard distance between the bottom of the chandelier to the top of the table is 30 inches. When hanging the chandelier, make sure to hang it at the proper height. The bottom of a chandelier over a dining table or kitchen island should hang 30 to 32 inches above the top of the table or island. Most rooms call for at least 7 feet of space between the bottom of the chandelier and the floor.
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NO MATTER HOW BADLY YOU WISH with all your might that the something devastating that happened in your life hadn't happened and want so badly to go back in time to prevent it from isn't humanly possible to do this. You can't change the fact that it happened. IT DID. But JESUS can change the MEANING of what happened to you and give you PEACE. He can show you the way in which you are to go. God richly BLESS you. ~Deanna