Friday Fictioneers – Doing the Boogie Woogie


Three screaming kids crashed into me as I fiddled with the gate.

‘Must have been a good party.’

I ended up talking to their backs.

My finger pressed the rusty button. On the other side of the door a bell chimed but I guess it got lost in the music; maybe the person in charge was deaf so I gave it a push.

Loudest piano that I ever heard. Odd choice, that music. Blues and jazz, mixed up. A bygone age.

What could I do? The door opened, inviting me in. Those were just rumours, weren’t they? Music can’t kill you.

Written for Friday Fictioneers. Every week a photo prompts writers to submit a piece of flash fiction (100 words or so). If you are interested have a look at who organises it all – incredible!


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17 responses to “Friday Fictioneers – Doing the Boogie Woogie

  1. Dear Lindy,

    You set an ominous and eerie stage in this one. I can hear that music and it makes me want to run back home.



  2. I’ve been to some parties like that.
    Nicely done.

  3. I never understood how you play records backwards in the first place!


  4. I’ve definitely heard some music (if you can call it that), that could kill. Good job.


  5. Oh, dark. Beyond playing records backwards.

  6. I really like the way you creeped me out with this one. Nice!

  7. Ominous. Should be considered over Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor, even thought that more often accompanies the great Dracula.

  8. Really ominous. Well done.

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