A Dangerous Mission: Friday Fictioneers 24May2013

The Friday Fictioneers is a group writing flash fiction each week. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields leads us all in a merry chase to write a 100 word story based upon a photo prompt. The word limit isn’t strict limit. It’s rather bendable. Anyone may join in by reviewing the guidelines at the prompt, and letting their imagination free. This week’s photo comes from Danny Bowman. My story begins after the photo.

Genre: Science Fiction
Word Count: 99

Copywrite: Danny Bowman

A Dangerous Mission

It was a dangerous mission, but Tchothypil specialized in such missions. He stood by the Human telephone. Nervously, he looked around him, trying to make the human puppet body appear natural. Humans were a surly and unpredictable species, prone to violence with little provocation. This remote part of Chicago offered minimal contact, yet greater danger for acquiring the necessary items. Noting he was unobserved, he began operating the telephone.

Shortly, an ominous Human voice responded.


The captain waited at the ship’s teleport pad.

“Success?” He asked.

Tchothypil presented the six boxes. “Six Deep-Dish Combination pizzas, as ordered, Sir!”

About EagleAye

I like looking at the serious subjects in the news and seeking the lighter side of the issue. I love satire and spoofs. I see the ridiculous side of things all the time, and my goal is to share that light-hearted view.
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31 Responses to A Dangerous Mission: Friday Fictioneers 24May2013

  1. Lyn says:

    LOL I love your twisted thinking 😀 Who would have thunk it…aliens love pizza!


  2. Really good and quite unexpected, EA (or is that ET?) I’ll check for him next time I’m in downtown Chicago.



  3. julespaige says:

    I like round New York style pies myself, cut in triangles. But hey – a paying customer gets what he wants.

    Too bad Vamps don’t eat pizza – maybe they’d be a tad happier then. Fun read!


  4. Shey says:

    Too funny! Love the unexpected twist too.


  5. All quite fun, I look forward to a next episode.


  6. Shreyank says:

    fun story.. i wrote mine on somewhat similar lines.. 🙂


  7. Dear E. A.
    We won’t be asked to pronounce Tchothypil will we? Can’t say enough good things about your clever piece. I’m chuckling as a I write.


    • EagleAye says:

      Nope, that name is hard for “me” to pronounce. I’m happy you got a kick out of it. If I’ve done my job right, that chuckle stays with you awhile. Thanks much for the kind words and stopping to comment.



  8. rgayer55 says:

    I hope the delivery boy doesn’t get held up. It’s a tough town. Great piece, EA. You left me smiling.


  9. Helena Hann-Basquiat says:

    How far would YOU go for some Chicago deep dish, darling? Very clever.


    • EagleAye says:

      Me? I would travel across space and time. I miss deep-dish pizza, badly. I guess my own cravings are coming out in my writing.

      Thanks for stopping to comment.


  10. I prefer thin and crusty Italian base myself, but that’s aliens for you!
    (I will admit I just read him as Tch- and gave up on the rest, but that didn’t spoil my enjoyment of the story!)


    • EagleAye says:

      I do exactly the same thing. I read a great deal of science fiction and encounter unpronounceable names a lot. I just make an easy pronunciation in my head and move on. No point in getting stuck on it. Glad you enjoyed the rest of it.



  11. Jan Brown says:

    Great story! There is nothing like Chicago style deep dish pizza to soften the soul (and the belly and the hips and…). I agree with the previous commenter that said the desire for deep dish is a sign of intelligent life!


    • EagleAye says:

      Yeah, I was raised on deep dish. I’ve been living in other parts of the country where it’s hard to find good deep dish pizza. For that matter, Italian Beef and Philly Cheesesteak are hard to find too. I miss my comfort foods. At least the aliens have a way to get their fix.

      Thanks for stopping to comment. Come and visit any time.


  12. Linda Vernon says:

    LOL! I didn’t even see it coming. Fell for it hook, line and sinker! I love when that happens! 😀


  13. kz says:

    lol! that got me. loved the twist. and now im craving pizza!


    • EagleAye says:

      I know a guy who’s very skilled at pizza delivery. He seems tense all the time, but he’s very dedicated. I could send him your way. Thanks much for the visit.


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