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Friday Fictioneers – Aqueduct

17 May, 2013

It seems like Friday rolls around almost once a week nowadays, and to celebrate, here is my FriFic effort. Rochelle supplied a wonderful prompt as usual:

I have assembled 100 words and encourage you to assemble a comment in the box below.


“And this is the famous aqueduct,” the guide announced. He flourished a proud hand and stood back to allow the small group to take pictures.

One visitor, an elderly, refined woman, stood silent, apart, imagining the aqueduct in less austere, better maintained days. She recalled her grandmother’s diary, the entry relating the local legend that any child conceived over this stream would live a life governed by water.

Her hand gripped the Olympic swimming gold in her cardigan pocket. At last she had seen the place where her mother’s glorious life had begun. And where it had so tragically ended.


  1. SO very good. ❤

  2. Congratulations.. that is a great take on this photo… well done.

  3. Well written.

  4. What an interesting take on the prompt!


  5. very good – I like the little touches like the cardigan pocket – hard to squeeze so much into 100 words – excellent 🙂

  6. Dear RG,
    I, too, love a story that gives me clues about the characters, Nicely done from set up to poignant ending.

  7. A lot said in few words. well done

  8. Sarah Ann permalink

    Oh that’s good, although I’m not keen to think about how her mother’s life ended.

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