“No Longer An Ordinary Schoolgirl”: A Fairy Tale.

I pause in front of isolated remnants of Hurricane Sandy’s fury and remember the day Prince Harry came to town. Red-haired and handsome, he looked sad as he surveyed the barren land where homes once stood. I moved in close and had my picture taken with him. I was surprised to find he was relaxed. He chatted with me. He was accessible. He smelled good. He was Mr. Wonderful. And I know that on that glorious day, my life changed. I was no longer an ordinary schoolgirl. Instead, I became, forever, The Girl Who Has Met Her Prince.

(Inspired by “When Harry met Christie:…” The Daily Mail.)

(Photo by Sara Ann Hall. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, Friday Fictioneers, May 17, 2013.)

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21 Responses to “No Longer An Ordinary Schoolgirl”: A Fairy Tale.

  1. Been through every hurricane in Miami since 1954.

    • vbholmes says:

      I’ve only been through one–on Cape Cod where I was visiting a friend who had rented a house with walls made out of empty gas cans (don’t ask–I have no idea how or why). All I can say is–we made it and the last time I looked, the house was still there.

  2. Having never met my prince, I am quite envious 😉

  3. 🙂 Yes, I like that last line.


  4. vbholmes says:

    Thanks, Janet–I suspect my heroine likes that line as well.

  5. nightlake says:

    Interesting:) This reminds me of my friend who was crazy about Prince William:)

  6. unspywriter says:

    A nice contemporary piece, and there’s just something about princes that can make us wax lyric.

    Here’s mine: http://unexpectedpaths.com/friday-fictioneers/sex-drugs-and-rock-and-roll/

  7. Ah that could change a school girl.. maybe it’s better than if it had been Justin Bieber.

  8. vb holmes says:

    I suspect Prince Harry will have more staying power than an aging Bieb-boy.

  9. JackieP says:

    Ah every woman needs a prince, well done!

  10. elappleby says:

    Sweet story – this line made me laugh: ‘he smelled good’ – how did she expect him to smell?!

  11. Dear VB,
    An enjoyable modern day Prince Charming story. I like it.

  12. vb holmes says:

    Not too many teens get up close and personal with a prince–and have a photo to prove it.

  13. billgncs says:

    why are people attracted to celebrities, because some of the magic might rub off, if only for a second.

  14. Sandra says:

    That was an original take on the prompt – liked it.

  15. Sarah Ann says:

    I like that he smelled good, and that last line – very clever of her.

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