100-Word Friday Fictioneers: The Honeymooners

Hello Dear Readers.  In keeping with the Creed of the Blogger:  Sometimes you just have to make stuff up writing-wise, it’s time for the Friday Fictioneer writing challenge where Writing-Guantlet Thrower-downer, Rochell Wisoff-Fields, provides a weekly picture prompt for which writers are challenged to write a 100-word story. Go here if you want to join in:  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Addicted to Purple Blog and you should because it’s a whole lot of fun!

Here’s This Week’s Picture Prompt:

Friday Fictioneers Linda Vernon Humor

Copyright Kent Boham

The Honeymooners

“Oh Roger! I can’t believe a week ago I didn’t even know you, and now we’re on our honeymoon.”

“Isn’t it wonderful, Juanita, my love?”

“But one tiny thing, Roger.”


“My name’s not Juanita.”

“What?  Oh.  Well, I knew that . . . uh . . . Margarita?”

“That’s a drink Roger.”

“Anna Maria?”

“My dog.”

“Ha ha!  I was just teasing you . . .Hen . . . Henrietta?”

“You have no idea do you, Roger?”


“It’s Matilda, Roger.”

“Matilda my love!  Let’s go check in.”

“Okay, and Roger?”


“I love you.”

“I love you too, Juanita.”

 *    *    *

Until next time . . . I love you

55 thoughts on “100-Word Friday Fictioneers: The Honeymooners

  1. Haha…. I can’t help but feel that Roger has done this rather often…! 😉
    On the other hand; perhaps he is somewhat ‘shy of a sandwich or two’ and is clouded by the love of his life… Either which way, it was a fabulous read… 🙂

  2. This is a good example of why endearing nicknames such as Honey, Sugar, Dear, and Sweetheart are so popular. It’s a whole lot easier than remembering old what’s-her-name.

  3. Funny…but then after peaking in on some comments…OOh, could be scary.
    At first I was thinking of those folks who have that rare brain disorder who can’t remember anything from the day before after sleep. I wasn’t thinking of a shark looking for goldfish…

    Intriguing endings leave room for new beginnings…
    Thanks for your visit.

    • Oh yes, now that you’ve pointed it out, it could take a turn for the scary. She married a man with a horrible brain disorder but only slowly discoverers it after it’s too late!
      And thank you for coming by and leaving your comment, Jules!! Much appreciated. 😀

    • Ha! I’m not very good with names either, David. I always try to make up for it by explaining that I never forget a face — because there’s no way anyone can disprove that! 😀

  4. Such a great ending! I see a great juxtaposition of a sappy love story where one has memory problems (a la Nicholas Sparks) and a humorous piece. Loved it!

  5. ohmygoodness i’m afraid that he’s just gonna hump her then dump her. lol but i still find the story so adorable haha she doesn’t seem to mind and it kinda looks that they’re both having so much fun. great story 🙂

    • Haha! So glad you liked it KZ and I’ve never heard the phrase “hump her and dump her” I will try to find a reason to use it in my next conversation. LOL! (Oh this is going to be fun! :D)

Please leave a comment. I need help finishing my sentences.