Friday Fictioneers – The Girl in the Library

(c) Clair Fuller

I can hear them whisper as I pass by. Long forgotten conversations. Echoes of love won and lost. Listen to the quiet sobbing of a girl broken-hearted and the soft laughter of a child in a field of flowers.

I can lose myself in these pages. Follow well trodden paths into worlds of magic and mystery. I can travel the world. I can walk a mile in another man’s shoes. I can shrug off the dust of today and lead an army into war.

Here I can do anything, be anyone.

Perhaps, even I can find a happy ending.

I found this link today from The Day After and thought it might be fun to give it a shot. Every Friday there is new picture and you have 100 words to write a story.

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I write because I have to. It is a compulsion. I do it to vent, to laugh and to remember. I blog because it has been so long since I had to write with a pen that my hand would go into cramp if I tried to write a journal.

33 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – The Girl in the Library”

  1. There seems to be so much going on in this character’s past, and we don’t even need to know it all to feel it. Really nice.

    1. Thank you David. Yes, the possibilities are endless. I met a lady in the computer game store last week (where I stand around like an idiot while my 10 year old speaks a language I do not understand). She is paralyzed from the waist down and says she keeps her sanity with video games where is she able to walk and run, and books where she can be anything.

  2. Lovely, Victoria, perfectly capturing the wonder, joy and promise of books. My piece is similar but in verse. At any rate, glad to have you join us. I saw a typo in the second line–“quiet”, not “quite.” I sometimes do the same thing when I sign my email. πŸ™‚ Same letters, just mixed up, although in my case, they don’t make another word!


  3. Dear Victoria,
    I’m so glad you found us. Welcome to Friday Fictioneers! I enjoyed this lovely piece about a reader’s paradise. Well told. I hope to read more of you in the future.

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