Thursday, April 4, 2013

What do animals do in Winter?

I think I am a little late posting activities Winter-related but, around here, it’s still COLD!!!

Well,  this lazy mama explored things that animals do in winter with Pinky a few weeks (or months) ago.

I’d make a coloring booklet about activities we (humans) do in winter a long time ago, maybe when Pinky was 2 and a half years old, and never had the opportunity to finish it. So, now, this was a great addition to our mini-unit and a great mommy-daughter activity on those snowy and cold days. The coloring pages are about: making snow angels, snow tasting, baking, reading a book, snow fights, making a snowman, skiing, caroling, sledding, etc. Yeah! we finally used the homemade coloring book!!!

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We read a few books from the library but the best one was What do animals do in winter? by Melvin Berger and Gilda Berger, illustrated  by Susan J. Harrison.

Then, we looked for our animals figurines in order to sort them. As I was reading, Pinky sorted the animals.

Just short, easy and free!!!

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Useful links:

  1. Hibernation & Animals in Winter! from Good books for kids. Amazing list of books about Animals in Winter.
  2. What do animals do in Winter? from Ms. Crowley’s class blog. They sorted animals pictures by what animals do in winter: Hibernate, Adapt and migrate and made a beautiful and easy art project.
  3. Animals in the Winter - Links for Montessori Unit Study, has a great recompilation of different activities by sub-themes like: How do animals prepare for winter?, Why do birds fly south in the winter? and Where do the insects go in the winter?, etc.
  4. Animals in Winter from Trillium Montessori. Easy, fast and meaningful activities to complete your readings. Love it!
  5. A great substitution for the plastic animals but, still a good manipulative, are the animals picture cards available at MPS: Animals in Winter.




Now we are more than ready for S.P.R.I.N.G!!!!

What do animals do in Spring????

Linking to:

Montessori Monday

Disclaimer: These links are activities I think are great to add for further learning. I am sharing them because I feel they are useful for someone and I am NOT receiving anything in exchange….just my opinion!


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