Submit a poem or a short story of 100 words or less, inspired by a weekly photo in this fun, flash fiction group. You can read entries, or submit yourHERE. Or click on the little blue guy at the bottom of the page.  Thanks to Rochelle for keeping us going! Add you story to the Inlinkz tool so others can find your work. Simple and fun! Suggestions and pointers welcome.

Copyright- Indira

“It’s just a tree,”  he said.

“I know,” she sighed.

“So we’re cool?”

“Yeah,” she smiled. Minutes later, perched on the ground with the bark against her back, she closed her eyes and saw her dad swoop her in his arms for lemonade. He told her that this tree was the first thing he and mom ever planted on the land they saved for.

She was waiting when he came home. “Honey, the tree stays.”

“I thought we agreed to cut it so the pool was behind the house?”

“It’s mom and dad’s tree, it stays. We’ll move the pool and plant a privacy hedge.”

“Ok,” he mumbled, feeling lost.

  1. Ah, memories. I hope he grows to understand and that they have similar memories together some day.


  2. You have to save the memories. A prefect story as always. 🙂

  3. Penny L Howe says:

    This is good. Well done. a moment in time with a memory to remind one of things that are important. I liked your story very much! 🙂

  4. Sandra says:

    Good for her! I enjoyed your story.

  5. Alastair says:

    Awww I really like that. Family memories comes first

  6. Shreyank says:

    memories 🙂 i liked the description of dad taking the young girls in his arms 🙂

  7. Great story, beautifully told.

  8. 40again says:

    Keep the memories.
    Enjoyed your story, really liked it

  9. kz says:

    it’s not just a tree 🙂 lovely story

  10. Very sweet story. Made me happy to read.

  11. glad she was able to speak up. The memories would have come crashing down
    well done

  12. elappleby says:

    A tough decision, clearly. Lovely story 🙂

  13. I’m glad they kept the tree. Pools are commonplace, but a tree like that… 🙂

  14. jwdwrites says:

    This one touched me. A lovely story, it took me back to our last house where our eldest son was born. We planted two trees in the front garden, one for our daughter and one for our son a few years after. Some days I drive past the house to see those trees. They are almost as tall as the house now. 🙂

  15. Parul says:

    I hope he understands and this doesn’t become a big deal between the two of them.

  16. I hope she can make him understand. Very special tree with precious memories. Nice story.

  17. She would never forgive herself if she allowed that tree to be cut down!

  18. camgal says:

    If he loves her he’ll understand 🙂 lovely piece.

  19. zookyworld says:

    I’m glad the tree stays! I like how the tree inspires memories of her parents, and she feels strongly about keeping the tree.

  20. Joe Owens says:

    Memories can sometimes move mountains, or the pool in this story.

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