Friday Fictioneers – March 29/13

Friday Fictioneers is sponsored by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.  The idea is to write a 100 word story with a beginning, middle and end based on the photo prompt.

Photo copyright: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


Blaze of Glory

(100 words)

Instinctively she gripped the door frame.

One lamp crashed to the floor and exploded into a fiery ball.  The other fell onto its side, igniting itself and the paper towel.

Everything continued to violently shake.  The lamp shifted, allowing the agitated spice cart to emerge from behind the flames and launch itself off of the table, adding to her sensation of featuring in a Hollywood blockbuster.

California was about the furthest place she could have moved them away from her mother-in-law.  After she survived this quake, she couldn’t wait to tell her about the spectacular death of her tacky gift.

32 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – March 29/13

  1. Lol!
    Loved this..
    One question:
    “California was about the furthest place she could have moved them away from her mother-in-law”
    What’s them?

  2. Great again! I love it when you do this – you’re so good with 100 neat words packed in and shook about. Great.

  3. I like that she’s more worried about the tacky gift and the mother-in-law than the earthquake and the flames – shows that the mother-in-law still rules her head, despite the physical distance. Great to get all that story and characterisation in, in such a short pied.

  4. I enjoyed the launching grocery cart as well but was expecting a fiery ending with both lamps breaking and one igniting. Glad the only fiery ending was to the tacky gifts.

    I’m doing what you are and slowly working my way through all the stories. It’s worth it, but sometimes I feel as though I’m never going to make it!

    Happy Easter,


    • I’m not getting very far on my reading. Will be well into next week before I get through many. Lost my laptop last week so it’s hindered my ability to roam wp freely!

  5. Dear Denmother,
    As you can see, I’m working my way through stories while planning the next prompt.
    This woman really detests her mother in law, doesn’t she? My little grocery cart’s getting lots of fanfare this week. ;). Nice one.

  6. I enjoyed the build-up very much, and then………what a great ending for a tacky gift! I usually lose them after cleaning out the basement and/or closet, but this is a much more exciting way to go!

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