Change of Plans – Friday Fictioneers – 03/29/13

It’s time for Friday Fictioneers. Thank you to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for the photo and for leading this group.

I’ll admit I feel out of ideas today, but I wanted to participate.

Check here for more wonderful stories from the Fictioneers.

Genre: Suspense (100 words)

Copyright – Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Change of Plans

“A lamp for each of us. How thoughtful,” Ellie said coyly.

“I thought we would make the best of this situation. We could take our little picnic down into the basement,” Randy sniffed.

” I prefer the natural light. We might as well make use of it while we have it.”

Randy’s empty stare held her transfixed. As they faced each other across the island, he pressed his knuckles into the granite. She froze, regurgitating bile.

“Look. I see a light outside,” She threw the lamp at his face, the glass smashing into a thousand bits. She bolted towards the door.

60 thoughts on “Change of Plans – Friday Fictioneers – 03/29/13

  1. Ouch! Good thing she threw it I’m thinking. You did good Amy especially when you said you were out of ideas! Read like a pretty good idea to me!


  2. Good choice on her part. Unless you have a stellar basement, it’s not the spot for a picnic. And your ending give a whole new meaning to “Come on, baby, light my fire.” 🙂



  3. Yikes! Yeah, I’m no expert, but it sure doesn’t seem like ‘Your basement or mine?’ would impress too many people…
    not even Yogi Bear would chase a picnic basket down there!


  4. Amy, are you up for getting in on the Roast action on my blog tomorrow? I sent you an email to your WordPress email account explaining everything. Let me know!


Take it away.