Friday Fictioneers: The Power is Out..Again

Each week close to 100 people participate in Friday Fictioneers; a flash fiction challenge based on a photo prompt.

This week’s photo comes to us courtesy of our lovely hostess Rochelle Wisoff Fields


And now my 100 word story:

I walked into our house after school. I slammed the door and kicked my shoes off against the wall. I flung my jacket on the hook and ignored it when it hit the floor. I dropped my books on the ottoman and yelled, “Mom!!!”

“My gracious” my mother said coming from the kitchen. She was carrying candle sticks and matches. “What is so important that you need to yell like that?”

I watched my mother place the candles throughout the room.

Great, the power was out again, my plans were crushed and I was faced with another family game night.

31 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: The Power is Out..Again

  1. Give it a few years and those family game nights will be the backbone of her childhood remembrances. I can still remember our family playing solo whist when I was only about 11… Thanks for reminding me, enjoyed this.


  2. Obviously had a hard day at school. Failed a pop quiz and now her Mom is going to have to cope with the fallout. Half an hour in the naughty corner and no dessert 🙂


  3. Games by candlelight? You might want to invite a mime and play charades.

    My only suggestion about the writing is, your first four sentences all begin with “I.” One idea that comes to mind is using a comma at the end of the first sentence, deleting the I, and combining it with the second. Of course, there are other options too.


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