Friday Fictioneers – Reflected reflections!

Yes, time for the weekly Friday Fictioneers,100 word story based on a photo prompt. Thank you Rochelle for presenting this weekly opportunity for writers to challenge their writing skills (also for offering this weeks photo prompt). Go ahead give it a try, you’ll have fun, meet more bloggers and perhaps learn a thing or two in the process.


lampsShe found him sitting in the kitchen, staring at the flickering reflections of the two old kerosene lamps on the counter. Daylight outside but the lamps still lit.

Retiring the previous year, John and his wife sold their larger home and moved into a lovely new retirement community. He then tried to adjust to this strange new world, one with lots of free time.

“John, what’s going on?” His wife asked, having just returned from a shopping trip.

He gave one huge sigh, locking away in his mind the busy happy memories from his old job.

“Just reflecting on my reflections!”


Thanks for stopping by, have a pleasant day,

~ Penny


53 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Reflected reflections!

  1. Great ending line. It can get to be a rut when you have nothing to do. That’s why the schedule my mom and dad have would KILL me. I mean, when did they find time to actually WORK?
    Great job, Penny!

  2. Dear Penny,
    As my husband is on the cusp of retirement this story struck a chord. Somehow I don’t see him reminiscing about his “great job” 😉
    Touching story.

  3. A touching story here, and you made me think of my relatives who have retired and remarked to me about their feelings of being retired. I like that you described the retirement community as “lovely” — it makes me think the days ahead will be nice for this couple.

  4. I have heard how difficult it is for older adults to adjust to a lifestyle where they do not have to “punch the clock” everyday. As long as I ma physically able I will be doing something on a regular schedule every day. You showed this very well Penny.

  5. A strange time for lots of people it seems, lots of change to contend with and it can be very unsettling
    I have lots on my post-retirement list, hope I get the time…
    Very enjoyable story, loved it

  6. I can’t wait to have nothing to do… I seem to manage now. People need to learn how to chill. Nice work. I enjoyed the read.


  7. I see my parents (in their mid 80’s) struggling, but their stubborn pride will not let them move from their home to a Retirement Village…it is a hard decision to make and you have brought this home (if you will pardon the pun). Very endearing and realistic Penny.

    • No worries re: the pun. Life tends to be filled with those anyway lol! It is a truth for all of us where significant change is in the near future. Too many see any change as fearful and in the case of the elderly (my own parents come to mind here as well) as taking away from their independence, freedom and their “known world”. As you say, a struggle. Thank you for your comments and compliment as well.

  8. Penny, I think there are quite a few people who find themselves in this situation. Hopefully he’ll find some other things to occupy his time and bring enjoyment to him and those around him.


Thank you for your thoughts!