Set Screens

for Friday Fictioneers, March 15, 2013.

Copyright - Lora Mitchell

With age I come to see more clearly, through glaucoma and the cataracts.  Each layer beamed away, burning holes in cloudy veils.  Colors hardly remembered, bright edges that the world lends.  All that glitters can’t be told.  Even my hearing improves, as if long years of practice had taught me how to listen.  The paper of my skin whispers pages’ sound.  Dying’s process of deletion, dropping memories like scales.  Surgery after surgical procedure – removing the lens, installing; expanding tubes, constricting; bypassing and shunting – internal edits increasing my awareness that I’ve no idea how deep my set screens go.  I am yet to see this world, through the versions that I’ve filmed.

N Filbert 2013

25 thoughts on “Set Screens

  1. Tom Poet

    “The paper of my skin whispers pages’ sound. ” I agree with Claire that is a great line. Pure poetry my friend and a pleasure to read…Great job this week!


  2. That was great, very poetic. I especially liked ‘Dying’s process of deletion, dropping memories like scales.’ Looking forward to next week’s!

"A word is a bridge thrown between myself and an other - a territory shared by both" - M. Bakhtin