
She walked along the well traveled path, only mosses and a shy fern dared to decorate the ground. Underneath the aging oaks, she sat on a stone, wiping a cold tear from her cheek.

“Winter,” she thought. “I hate it,”. She found a lidless acorn and threw it down the bank. She watched as the acorn landed and rolled until it hit a log.

A blur of white peeked out from the edge of the bark. Struggling against the cold, she slid down the bank to see what it was.

“Bloodroot.” she smiled, spring would be here soon. She walked back down the path with a little more vigor. Her hands warmed by a ray of sun as she emerged from the woods.

26 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Oh if that just could be true. Well told.

    • 2

      beebeesworld said,

      It IS true, here in the Southern Appalachians,Bloodroot is one of the first spring flowers. It blooms in deciduous forest before the leaves on the trees come out. beebeesworld

  2. 4

    This was a feel-good story and since I’m looking forward to spring, it held particular appeal.

    No one kill me with the hyphen stick, but “well-traveled” does need one, which give you another word. :-/ Your last two sentences could go together, since that last one is a fragment, just by saying, “more vigor, her hands…”

    Now I have to go look up bloodroot!


    • 5

      beebeesworld said,

      I appreciate your gramatical help. You remind me of myself, editing my teen son’s homework. My post adsvior warned me ofthe hyphen-I have a problem getting things to print, especially if I dd y tabs before I publish-don’t know why. I do get mixed up on the hyper or not issue, I have read that “the fewer words an author uses, the better, I guess I’m not there yet. A bloodroot is one of the first spring flower that blooms in the mountains of the Appalachians before the leaves start budding. It has one oddly shaped leaf and a daisy-like bloom which last only a few days. It is called bloodroot because if you break the stem, an iodine colored liquid is inside. Thanks for reading, I love your blog as well. beebee

  3. 7

    Sandra said,

    Nicely done, with a promise of better things to come.

  4. 9

    Loved this, although the word ‘hate’ always strikes a somewhat jarring note. But, putting that aside, I found it evocative and beautifully written.

    • 10

      beebeesworld said,

      Right now, I do hate winter, i am so tired of it being cold-heat cost so much my husband keeps it on 58 degrees, sometimes we go outside in late afternoon because its warmer.When I was younger and walked on the mountains on these later winter days, it was with a sulk that evoked “hate”, but i see your point. The word just made the hope more vibrant. thanks for reading beebee

  5. 11

    ajaytao2010 said,

    I Nominate you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award
    Please accept & oblige.

  6. 14

    rgayer55 said,

    I enjoyed it, Beebee. We are looking forward to morel mushrooms soon. this was like a breath of fresh spring air.

  7. 15

    petrujviljoen said,

    Very nice. Liked it. We’re just entering autumn now at a slow pace.

  8. 16

    elappleby said,

    Lovely descriptions – reminds me of early spring walks in the woods where I live.

  9. 17

    Joe Owens said,

    The coming of Spring always gives me a lift!

  10. 19

    Spring! Green! l
    I smell it.

  11. 21

    Dear Beebee,
    Not sure how your story related to the prompt but I like it. i could almost smell the scents. We’re having a very spring-like day and, like your MC, I’m so over winter. In any case, nice one.

  12. 23

    We are looking forward to their arrival here in the Blue Ridge as well.

  13. 26

    dmmacilroy said,

    Dear Beebee,

    I don’t mind that the story didn’t quite match the prompt, especially when it is well written. Good job here.



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