Pixie Dust


She checked the camera one last time. She’d missed the other ones but surely this time…

Too bad she had to work but at least she would finally get to see – and get proof, to boot! With a last hopeful look she walked out, closing the door firmly behind her.

At the witching hour, the last lily bud started to stir. Very gently the petals peeled apart. A tiny face peeked around the edge. With a hum and a tinkle, the baby fairy zoomed away, sweet laughter drifting behind.

Come morning, she screamed in frustration. She’d forgotten her neighbour’s heavy metal band practice last night. As always the entire floor had shuddered to the beat, causing the tripod with its hinky leg to fall over. All she got was an endless shot of vibrating floor, and some pixie dust.


This is my imagining for this week’s Friday Fictioneers. The picture was made by Lora Mitchell, the challenge issued by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (see her blog and the other Fictioneers’ stories (or parts thereof) here).

34 thoughts on “Pixie Dust

  1. A love to see what these photos inspire in the imaginations of others. Yours did not disappoint! Great job 🙂

          • I tried following one of those sites for house keeping that defines ‘Chaos’ as ‘Can’t have anyone over syndrome’, but I had to let it go…I like living too much.

            And frankly Scarlett I don’t care if I make my bed in the morning (especially before my morning ‘constitutional’) or if I wear shoes. But that’s who I am.

  2. This is beautiful, a lovely enchanting image of the fairy, and then it’s all snatched away from her at the end – and by a heavy metal band at that! Really lovely take on the image, mixing magical and modern. 🙂

    • I edited just a little, realising that perhaps the writing wasn’t as clear-cut as the pictures in my head ;-). Thanks for the lovely compliment, Trudy.

  3. I can just picture the lights of the buildings in the background as being pixie dust floating around…great story.

  4. I am sure the fairy knew the rock band could cover her movement. Next time she needs to use a dependable tripod. You have a great imagination.

  5. Fabulous story – I could just picture the baby fairies popping out of the lily buds – is that why they smell so bad? Is it baby fairy poo?

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