Crafty Items

A Fun and Funky Tablecloth

Wow, it has been a while since I have posted anything. I think I have been hibernating, waiting for winter to be over, so I can get back outside:) Anyway, here is something I threw together this weekend.

A coworker brought in a bunch of fabric that was left over from her husband’s art class that he teaches.  We all got to go through the bag and take what we wanted. I saw this fabric and immediately fell in love.  The only problem was that it was in two separate pieces and each piece was missing a square out of it. I took it anyway because it was free, and I figured I could do something with the fabric.

This is what I started with:Cut fabric

I went ahead and cut the rest of the fabric off where the square was taken out, so that I was left with two big pieces, and two little pieces. Creating the rows

I cut the little pieces in half again, to that I could make a long row on each side of the two bigger pieces. Thankfully, whoever cut out the square to begin with, did it exactly in the middle of the fabric.Forming the tablecloth

After that, I ironed the fabric, and I just started stitching everything together to form one large rectangle.  Unfortunately, these pieces don’t line up together, so you can definitely tell the fabric was sewn together. I decided, since it was free, I wasn’t going to care that much.All stitched together

After everything was stitched together, I just had to hem up the sides, which didn’t take very long at all. I didn’t use a backing piece, so if you turn it over, you can see the seams.  It’s just a tablecloth though:)Pinning the hem

And here she is on my table, with the leftover Valentine’s Day centerpiece.  If fits perfectly on my table and I think the pink and red actually go quite nice with a Valentine’s Day theme.  Too bad that is over with:)Finished Tablecloth

Not bad for free fabric.  And if I decide to do something else with it later, I can change it out.

Thanks for looking!


Linking up with Between Naps on the Porch

4 replies on “A Fun and Funky Tablecloth”

Sarah, I love your funky fabric tablecloth. I would never have thought of piecing the fabric the way you did. That was really clever. I was trying to figure a way around the seaming issue and thought that instead of folding seams under and stitching, the seams could have been bonded on the underside with iron on fusing, The top of the table cloth could have used red zigzag or other decorative stitch to act as a funky reinforcement to the fused seams. Any way I really like the tablecloth. I just like to stretch my imagination. Thanks for sharing. Iris

I really like your idea of adding some type of ribbon to the top where the seams are. That way, it would kind of break it up, and provide a distinct line, so maybe the mismatched lines wouldn’t be so noticeable. Thanks for the idea!

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