Friday Fictioneers: How I Bought My First Car

There’s got to be an interesting story behind this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt photo, but I bet you’d need more than a hundred words to tell it. So here’s my take on it, about an encounter with an honest used car salesman –

home-made_carHow I Bought My First Car

Run? Sure it runs. Tow it up to the top of a hill and let ‘er go, she won’t stop for nothing till she gets to the bottom. Yeah, it’s got some miles on it. Weed out the parts that don’t hold up, you know? Them seat backs, they musta been back and forth a thousand miles apiece up and down those store aisles. Babies gummin’ the heck out of the handles. Good as new.

Her top speed? Why, she won a race just last week.  Against my grandpa. He’s pretty fast on his feet for a ninety year old man, but she left him right in the dust. Yep.

I sure hate to part with her. You want it or not?

34 responses to “Friday Fictioneers: How I Bought My First Car

  1. Great to hear some truth from the mouth of a car salesman…

  2. Totally hilarious! I love the line about the babies gumming the handles.

  3. Really enjoyed this tale – especially the bit about the babies gumming up the trolley handles. Lovely touch. And the race against grandpa. Hilarious.

  4. You’d make an excellent salesperson… =)

  5. I love it when you do funny – you do it so well! 🙂

  6. Babies gummin’ the heck out of the handles. 🙂 That salesman will sell a lot of cars by reversing – psychology …

  7. He’s selling that car. I might even consider giving an offer. 😀 :lol :

  8. such a confident sales spiel – nicely done.

  9. Dear Sharon,
    (nuff said)

  10. My favorite line:”You want it or not?”

  11. Babies gummin’ the handles… I love it!

  12. This is terrific!

  13. that was the most fun i read all week. well done.

  14. I love the line about winning the race against grandpa – wonderful.

  15. World’s best gravity powered car! Yours for this one-time-only low price!
    I liked the part about the car beating the 90 year old.

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