Jennifer – Friday Fictioneers

Once again Wednesday, and a new picture to write a story on. This week it’s a wonderful picture from Beth Carter (who of course own all rights to the picture). The story is part two of the letter by Jennifer to John. Check it out if you want to here.
Friday Fictioneers is a wonderful group of bloggers from around the world who every week gather to write a
story of 100 words (more or less). If you want to know more, go to Rochelle Wissoff-Fields page and check it out. If you only want to check out the great stories click the little blue guy at the bottom.

Copyright Beth Carter

Copyright Beth Carter


I have delayed sending a response for a few weeks. As you might understand your letter disrupted the quiet life I had settled in. I have now left everything, sold the house, left my work and forsaken the town I learned to love… just because of you.

I left no forwarding address, and an old car serves as my lodging for a while. I never want to see a white picket fence again. After all, you seduced my only brother Ralph, and then had him killed.

You have served your time, but never try to contact me again.


February 27, 2013

81 responses to “Jennifer – Friday Fictioneers

  1. few typos if you don’t it mentioned: ”…left the town I learned ‘to’ love …”
    and ”you have served ‘your’ time …”

    Else made me laugh.

  2. “I never want to see a white picket fence again. ” really felt his pain there. hmph i knew it, she was a bee-yotch >< real sad

  3. Great line – in an idea I really liked very much – “I never want to see a white picket fence again” there is dark humour and futility in that line…

  4. Well, that didn’t go as I thought it would. I had to back and read Jennifer’s letter (I liked that story last week) and I was sure he was heading straight to her… wrong. Perfect take on this photo, Björn.

  5. Interesting response… (I took a look at last week’s piece.)
    He sounds too ’emotionally attached’ to be able to leave ‘well enough alone’. Think this story may well continue…! 😉

  6. She sounds more iritating than poison ivy. Even if prison did rehabiliate her, you can’t get over having your brother murdered. I like the way you continued the story, Bjorn.

  7. Oh! I didn’t foresee this last week when I read the first letter.
    Very interesting!
    Is there a prequel to last week as well?

  8. A fantastic two-parter Bjorn. I love that there was so much more to the story than was apparent the first week. It sounds like he knows he has to get out quick before she comes after him 🙂

  9. I have a feeling Jen is not done with that family yet. I liked the cold touch of his letter

  10. and a great response back to Jennifer! she must have witch powers of something…hope John stays strong and she does not cast another spell on him. ugh.

  11. Reading the comments it looks like I arrived in the middle of an ongoing story. Having started with this entry, it sounds like John is clearing the air and putting his own thoughts to rest which is good, however I can’t help but want to read the story of Jennifer and Ralph so I hope that’s upcoming!

  12. Well done on using the car to continue last week’s story. I expect now she’ll stalk him. If you keep writing instalments on this, you’ll end up with a novel! And a captive audience waiting to buy it when it’s published! Ann

  13. Pingback: Ralph – Friday Fictioneers | Björn Rudbergs writings·

  14. Pingback: Sue – Friday Fictioneers | Björn Rudbergs writings·

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