Every Friday, writers from around the globe join in sharing their flash fiction stories, each tiny tale written in response to a photo prompt posted on Rochelle’s blog. Anyone can take part – if you’d prefer not to write, then just enjoy reading all these free stories!

You can find Joanna’s and Ron’s stories for this week below, whilst the tales crafted by other writers can be found here (or you can click the blue frog below!) Our earliest stories can be found on our old blog.

Image copyright David Stewart
Image copyright David Stewart

Joanna’s story ~

Fingers locked tight around his ankle, she resisted the strong, opposing pull of his body.

His cries were painful to hear; but she didn’t dare let go. She saw him reaching, grasping at the air, mouth split wide in his agony.

She closed her eyes and prayed, asking the Source for deliverance, a reprieve. Yet despite everything, she sensed him slipping away.

Determination, fierce, uncompromising and protective, strengthened her. One powerful pull . . . then he was free, sliding beneath the muddy water with her. He gathered her to him. “Thank you, Wife. Your love has saved us.”

[100 words]

Ron’s story ~

She left, with a brief touch of the lips.

She just left me alone in our favourite meeting place.

So often we have met here and shared our dreams, our secret time filled with special moments.

But she says no more. She says it’s over. She no longer wants this.

Hopelessly in my loss I reach out for her. She is gone, beyond touch.

Alone, again, I am so cold.

No point in anything.

Stay reaching out and waiting for new warmth.

[82 words]