Vlad’s Love


Copyright-Claire Fuller

For years Vlad had studied her full lips and watched her figure swaying alluring, teasing, arousing him.  But she never saw him there, faithfully pining away, withering, starved of love.  He would have borne it if she remained alone, her heart unattached, untaken. But she hadn’t.  She fell for the other man. Seeing them in love, it broke him so he broke her in turn; her and the other man.  How they had screamed!  But now Vlad was even more desperate. His handiwork, which had seemed ingenious at first, had now sealed their fate to remain encased together eternally and him alone, watching.

I loved this week’s Friday Fictioneers prompt, but I hated that I was limited by 100 words I had so many gruesome scenarios in my head, but I hope that what I had in mind came across anyway.

50 comments on “Vlad’s Love

  1. Dear Sandra,
    Chilling little entry this week. Whoever said “hell hath no fury as a woman scorned” never met Vlad. Nice one.
    One grammatical note: I think you mean He would have “borne” it…rather than “bore”.

    • Sandra says:

      Oh!!! Yes that’s what I meant, thank you!

      • Sandra says:

        Dear all,

        I tried to amend the mistake, but I am at work and the site is restricted so I cannot access the ‘Edit’ section. Now that I know that there’s a mistake it’s killing me! Please accept my apologies and imagine there’s an ‘n’ in there until the eight hours pass and I can run home and change this.

        Sorry and thank you for your imagination!



  2. claireful says:

    Gruesome indeed! Sealed together forever inside – a very disturbing image. And a great idea. Glad you liked the prompt.

  3. And the horror stories begin… Nicely done!

  4. deanabo says:

    nice! I enjoyed this one!

  5. wmqcolby says:

    Oohh, nice! Slithers like a snake. Well-done!

  6. Sqqqqquuueeeeaaalll! Eerie! shivers!

  7. pennycoho says:

    I really like this one, so clever and sadistically sad!

  8. oh, a nice little horror story packaged here in 100 words.

  9. Sandra says:

    Gruesomely good!

  10. I know the feeling. Sometimes it’s so hard to pick just one gruesome plot and try and squeeze in all the morbidly delicious goodness into 100 words. You did a fine job of it though 🙂

  11. Parul says:

    This is chilling!
    Scary but well written!

  12. Love the name Vlad. It really goes well with Managua’s gory count. Well told.

    • Sandra says:

      I was thinking Count Dracula, which is strange because this has nothing to do with vampires. Then again the name Vlad has a sense of evilness about it. Maybe it’s because it rhymes with blood!

  13. Seems like everyone lost out here because it sounds if Vlad is suffering forever, due to his own revenge.


  14. Nice and macabre. And so we often find out too late, that evil intentions have betrayed us. 🙂

  15. elappleby says:

    Poor Vlad – although he did kind of deserve it. I really enjoyed this.

  16. It reminded me of Poe’s story about the Cask and the girl.
    Mine: http://kindredspirit23.wordpress.com/2013/01/31/3636/

  17. Hi Sandra,
    Good psycho story. Vlad has a slight jealous streak, I’d say. Ron

  18. Chiling take on the prompt. Very well written. Vlad reminds me of Vlad the Impaler. http://readinpleasure.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/fridayfictioneers-janus

  19. Joe Owens says:

    If I cannot have you no man can. Vlad is a jealous sort it seems. I get the full intent and think you did just fine with the alotted words.

  20. k~ says:

    Heheheh, I am enjoying the many murderous takes on this prompt. My first inclination was love, but the image drew me away from that and into demise.

  21. Well, that gave me the shudders! Well told – I went from feeling mildly sympathetic to poor rejected Vlad, to horrified, and more horrified when I realized what he did to the two of them.

  22. Serves Vlad right to be alone forever now. Scary stuff here.

  23. dmmacilroy says:

    Dear Sandra,

    Your story demonstrate vividly the saying that, ‘holding a grudge is like taking poison and hoping someone else dies from it.’ Very nicely done. Vlad the impaler comes to mind, too. Was that your intent? If so, excellent choice of a anme for your MC.



    • Sandra says:

      I wasn’t thinking Vlad the impaler per se, it’s just that I associate Vlad with a dark and possibly evil personality so I thought it fit the purpose here.

  24. rich says:

    he might be alone – but he does not have my sympathy. well done.

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